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Nursing Education and Writing, Metacognitive Knowledge and Inter Professional Education as Learning Technique

Writing, Metacognitive Knowledge and Inter Professional Education as Learning Technique In Nursing Education

Teaching Tips for Writing Technique in Nursing Education, Advantages of Writing Technique In Nursing Education, Metacognitive Knowledge In Nursing Education, Metacognitive Knowledge In Nursing Education, Teaching Tips In Nursing Education, Advantages of Metacognitive Knowledge In Nursing Education, Disadvantages of Metacognitive In Nursing Education, Inter Professional Education In Nursing, Teaching Tips for Inter Professional Education In Nursing, Advantages of Inter Professional Education In Nursing, Disadvantages of Inter Professional Education In Nursing.

Writing as a Learning Tool In Nursing Education

    Writing encourages learning through
documentation of ideas in, for example, scholarly papers, informal journals,
poems, and letters. Inter professional scholarly writing may increase student
engagement and active learning for dissemination of knowledge.

Teaching Tips for Writing Technique in Nursing Education

    Teaching students how to write may
increase the quality of student papers. Structure the writing assignment with
final grading in mind. Assess the paper in its entirety rather than
concentrating on grammar and style issues. Peer review of drafts may stimulate
thinking and critiquing skills. 

    Specific grading criteria decrease the amount
of subjective grading. Time spent on grading can be decreased with a grading
rubric. Increasing complexity in writing experiences through the curriculum
increases the effect on stimulating higher-order thinking. 

flexibility in topic selection for written assignments recognizes individual
student learning needs and empowers students. Teacher review of student drafts
allows early assessment of student thinking and processing of the material and
allows for early intervention if problems are detected. 

    Many forms of writing
can be used, such as journals, formal papers, creative writing assignments
(e.g., poems or book reports), summaries of class content, letters to legislators
and nurse administrators, and research critiques. Mentoring, reflection, and
time to learn the different skills are suggested. 

    Partnerships with students,
faculty, and librarians may increase information literacy and online searching
skills needed for writing academic papers. Writing manuscripts for publication
involves more advanced academic writing skills; additionally, more specific
instruction may be necessary.

Advantages of Writing Technique In Nursing Education

   Writing stimulates higher-order thinking
through active involvement with the literature, learning to judge the quality
of the literature, organizing interpretation of the literature into logical
sequences, and learning to make judgments based on what was learned. Students
can discover their own beliefs and values when writing. 

    Nurses write in many
formats, and writing projects in an educational setting allows for learning
different mediums and styles. Knowledge gained from the writing assignments can
give confidence and helps to empower students in their own ideas. Writing
improves communication skills.

Disadvantages and Writing Technique In Nursing Education

    Grading writing assignments can be
subjective. Many students may feel unprepared to complete writing assignments,
which may lead to students’ increased frustration and stress. Students must
understand the importance of learning through writing, or writing assignments
will be viewed as superfluous work. 

   There may be a high time cost for students
to complete the writing assignments depending on how the assignment is
structured. There is typically a high time cost for teachers to grade. Faculty
development may be needed before choosing this type of teaching strategy.

Metacognitive Knowledge In Nursing Education

    Metacognitive knowledge is knowledge of cognition in
general, as well as awareness and knowledge of one’s own cognition. This
strategy can be used in several formats: case study, inter professional
education (IPE), portfolio and e-portfolio, problem based learning (PBL),
questioning and Socratic questioning, reflection journal writing, and

    Case studies represent an in-depth analysis of
a real-life situation as a way to illustrate class content. They apply didactic
content and theory to real life, simulated life, or both. This strategy is
well-suited for inter professional or peer-group learning, may be completed
online or in class, and may be used as a pre class assignment for the flipped

Teaching Tips In Nursing Education

    A well-designed case that illustrates the
most important learning outcomes is critical to the success of learning with
this method. Unfolding case studies are those that progress or “unfold” over
time. They can offer real-life clinical situations that are progressively
revealed, allowing students to build on previous knowledge, connecting theory
to practice. 

    Before the assignment, analyze the case with the intent of
determining the potential ways in which students could analyze the case, but be
prepared for student questions and comments that previously have not been
considered (e.g., be able to say, “I don’t know” or “
I haven’t considered that
” if necessary). A safe, open, nonthreatening learning environment is
crucial for active student participation. 

    At the conclusion of the assignment,
provide a summary of the most important points and sources for more in-depth
study. Assist in students’ comprehension of critical concepts with the use of
tools such as concept maps, chalkboards, flip charts, or PowerPoint slides.

Advantages of Metacognitive Knowledge In Nursing Education

    Case studies stimulate metacognitive
knowledge, retention, and recall. Associating the practical with the
theoretical helps many students recall important information. Problem solving
can be practiced in a safe environment without the threat of endangering a

    Case studies are especially helpful for adult learners who desire peer
interaction, support for prior experience, and validation of thinking. An
experienced nurse can readily devise a case study example from actual patient

Disadvantages of Metacognitive In Nursing Education

    Case studies are more effective when used
with complex situations that require problem solving; they are not appropriate
when concrete facts are the only content. Developing cases is a time-consuming
skill for many, and the option of published cases should be considered. 

studies require the use of good questioning skills by the faculty. Poor student
preparation may result in less learning. They may frustrate students who desire
content to be presented through more direct strategies such as lecture.

Inter Professional Education In Nursing

    In IPE “two or more professions learn
with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of
” (Centre for the Advancement of Inter professional Education, 2014). This
strategy can be completed online or face-to-face.

Teaching Tips for Inter Professional Education In Nursing

    Strong leadership is needed with the
interest, knowledge, and experience to champion IPE. Detailed planning is
complex and must include organizational support and equal representation of
faculty from each professional program. 

   IPE facilitation requires in-depth
understanding of interactive learning methods, knowledge of group dynamics,
enthusiasm for IPE teaching and learning, the ability to role-model and mirror
collaborative learning, and flexibility to creatively use professional
differences within groups. IPE evaluation needs to be ongoing to assess for
effectiveness and revisions to improve the learning experience for all

    Students need to be oriented to IPE and its principles, value,
and expected outcomes. Faculty development is needed to understand the
principles of IPE and how it is embedded into the curricula across disciplines.

Advantages of Inter Professional Education In Nursing

    Outcomes have shown to increase knowledge,
skills, and attitudes of collaborative skills and their application to
professional practice. Students will meet IPE skills in collaboration to meet
workplace demands for collaborative practice teams outlined to improve health
systems through calls from professional organizations. IPEs may
increase future teamwork and collaboration in the workplace.

Disadvantages of Inter Professional Education In Nursing

    Planning for IPEs takes considerable time and
energy. Long-term sustainability may depend on a few key enthusiasts.
Organizers must arrange regular meetings to consider all perspectives of IPE;
when differences arise between groups they need to be discussed and resolved. 

    Ongoing work among groups is required to evaluate, revise, and discuss the IPE.
Some students may be uncomfortable talking to those from other professions,
particularly if they do not understand discipline-specific jargon. Longitudinal
research studies are needed regarding the outcomes of IPE to improve systems of