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Nursing Education and Use of Reality Check Strategy

Use of Reality Check Strategy In Nursing Education

What Is Reality Check Strategy In Nursing Education, Implementation of reality Check Strategy In Nursing Education.

What Is Reality Check Strategy In Nursing Education

    The Words Reality Check can frame a theoretical discussion in the content of real nursing practice. Clinical examples provide a mechanism for discussion. This strategy is an excellent way for students to differentiate between real life health care issues and those they see on television and read about in fiction.

    In Reality Check, material is introduced theoretically and then given a real contest. The instructor centers class topics on actual evidence and true events, Reality Check may be based on real clinical cases (with names omitted). 

    Physical evidence can include hospital bills, replications of clinical records, or simulated charting. Just by saying “Reality Check,” you’ll prompt your students to consider some of the issues that affect health care and their role in safe nursing practice

    Preparation and Equipment Use your clinical practice affiliations to obtain real hospital costs, documentation samples, and other evidence. This exercise is a great opportunity to discuss the financial side of health care and demonstrate the handed it places on individuals, industry, and public resources.

    I NSE a slide on the idea of as a Reality Check in a pharmacology class. It is easy for us to just say “medications cost a lot,” Instead, we can provide physical evidence of these Corts from a real client experience to drive home these points.

    After viewing the slide, we discuss the impact of health-care costs on someone without endurance of adequate financial resources. Seeing the physical evidence brings home the reality to students. The fiscal aspects of nursing and health care are a key part of the Reality Check nurses need to practice responsibly and safely. 

Implementation of reality Check Strategy In Nursing Education

    Instead of using physical evidence, just say “Reality Check” when it’s time to think about putting a theory into action. You can use some questions to stimulate discussions:

How does this information relate to the real world!

How often does a nurse have time to sit down and talk with a client the way we just discussed?

How does a nurse care for such an ill client along with several other clients?

How does a nurse juggle several priorities at once?

    This strategy can highlight legal and ethical issues. It can also illustrate the workforce issues associated with nursing, such as nurse-to-client ratios, delegation, unionization, pulling (sending nurses to other units), cross-training (orienting nursing staff to multiple specialties), and professional issues.

    Hunt provides a great to source for making client care more malistic. This Reality Check exercise is called “Armchair Shopper.” Clients are given a list of questions and asked for solutions. 

    I’m sure you’ll agree that these questions, inspired by the “Armchair Shopper, are also great Reality Checks for new nurses and nursing students: How would you navigate your snowy yard in a wheelchair!

    How would you plan your daily diet to keep your sodium restricted? How would you change your father’s diaper in a public restroom? How would you transfer your mother, with right sided hemiplegia, into and out of the passenger side of the cat?

    Looking at this restaurant menu, what selections would you make to adhere to your prescribed diet? You medication must be kept cold at all times. How would your transport it on vacation

    What would you do if you dropped or buske your last vial of insulin on the ground on a weekend?

    What would you do if a client suffered a cardiac arrest on an elevator and you were the only person there!

    How would you respond if a client said he was leaving the hospital even though he had not been discharged. What resources would you need to change a dressing for a client you were caring for ?

    What would you do if an IV bag ran dry and there were no other bags of that solution on the floor? You can adapt the quenions, as I have hete, for inpatient care or keep them home-based for client education.