Nurses Educator

The Resource Pivot for Updated Nursing Knowledge

 Impact of Technology on Nursing Education

Technology in Nursing Education

Use of ethnology and educational innovations that positively or negatively affect learning.Prose and cones of traditional and innovative methods.

Technology in Nursing Education With Innovation

    Teaching technologies are undergoing rapid
. In the not too distant past, rapid adoption of new technologies,
without adequate planning for or understanding of key pedagogical implications,

    In spite of these initial difficulties, the self directed learning
encouraged by these technologies has been shown to be equivalent or superior to
more traditional methods (Armstrong & Frueh, 2003). 

    This topic presents information about the use of some of the more common
technologies (Internet, CD-ROM, and Simulation) and their usefulness as tools
to facilitate self directed learning.

Technology Related Teaching Problems

    Technology problems with course delivery, and a
drop in student satisfaction with Web based versus traditional delivery have
been reported by multiple nurse educators (Billings, 2000; Cragg, 1994a; Cragg,
1994b; DeBourgh, 2003; Ryan, Carlton, & Ali, 1999; Yucha & Princen,

    The inconsistency of basic Internet skills among students, and the lack
of standardization of Web browsers, platforms, and computers
among groups of
students cause dissatisfaction with course delivery (DeBourgh, 2003). 

of student dissatisfaction with the visual appeal and interface design of
course Web sites have been common (De Bourgh, 2003; Rouse, 1999). 

design relates to the way in which screen elements are used to navigate the
application and provide access to the media contained within (Ribbons, 1998). 

    In addition, unstable or poorly performing Internet course software substantially
undermines student satisfaction with Web based course delivery (Ayoub,
Vanderboom, Knight, Walsh, Briggs, & Grekin, 1998; Block, Pollock, &
Hutton, 1999; DeBourgh, 2003; Milstead & Nelson, 1998).

Benefits of Technology Related Approaches

    Internet based learning takes place in a virtual
classroom. Access to a computer theoretically gives students the opportunity to
learn anyplace, anytime, anywhere. 

    This flexibility mitigates some of the
educational barriers to learning for nurses and nursing students in the
clinical setting, such as irregular work schedules (McAlpine, Lockerbie,
Ramsay, & Beaman, 2002) or limited time (Reinert & Fryback, 1997). 

results from Internet based courses have shown similar or higher-than-average scores
when compared with those of traditional classroom courses (Andrusyszyn, Iwasiw,
& Goldenberg, 1999; Billings , Skiba, & Connors, 2005). 

    Some findings
have indicated that Internet based group discussions were deeper and more
than equivalent classroom based interactions, with outcomes equaling or
exceeding those of classroom courses (Billings, Skiba, & Connors, 2005;
Cravener, 1999; Ryan, Carlton, & Ali, 1999). 

    Indications are that
Internet based courses can actually enhance student participation, with greater
numbers of students conversing (Bangert, 2005). 

    One difference between
classroom based learning and Internet based learning is that students do not
need to compete to be recognized or heard; instead, students have time to think
more deeply about the quality
of their responses. 

    According to Billings and
Rowles (2001), dialogue , discussion, writing assignments, mini lectures (ie,
the length of one typed page), games, and critical thinking exercises work well
in online environments because all participants in the online learning
community must participate, whereas in traditional classrooms, participants can
be more passive learners.

Benefits of Multimedia and Simulators Use

    Multimedia CD-ROMs can compensate for or avoid
problems encountered in Web based delivery due to Internet service provider
(ISP) problems, insufficient home Internet infrastructure, or Web course failures. In addition, CD-ROMs require less technical know how for students to

    This decreases the amount of time students would ordinarily spend
acquiring new computer skills rather than focusing on course content (Cravener,
1999; Geibert, 2000; Leasure, Davis, & Thievon, 2000). 

    Active learning
combined with prompt feedback that helps learners decide what material they
know and what they do not know are key features of CD-ROM learning (Jeffries,

    CDROM development projects, however, have been plagued by student
complaints that they would have liked more detailed coverage of additional
topics (Marshall & van Soeren, 2000). 

    Other educators who have piloted or
tested CD-ROM development recommend that CD-ROM instruction not be used alone,
but rather as a supplement to other types of instruction providing more
faculty student interaction (Bauer, Geront, & Huynh, 2001; Jeffries, 2000;
Madorin & Iwasiw, 1999; Wells et al., 2003). 

    Simulator can be used to
create learning experiences and will help reinforce content and increase
learner self efficacy
to manage responses to a clinical practice situation. 

    Simulations can include the use of
mannequins, as in cardiopulmonary resuscitation practice, sequences of skills
with models
such as an intravenous practice arm; human simulation using play
acting, and very high tech interactive patient simulators
(Billings &
Halstead, 2005). 

    In active simulation, the instructor acts as a role model and
. During student directed practice sessions, the traditional role of the
instructor can be supplanted with a technology mediated self directed learning

    The ability to alter the simulation activities so that they just
barely exceed the current knowledge and abilities of the student, makes
simulation particularly effective as a tailored teaching strategy (Lupien &
George-Gay, 2001).


    The history of the science of nursing also adds
insight to the vast realm of knowledge needed to synthesize the art and science
of nursing. The nursing process is used to assist in organizing the scientific
data and has paved the way for evidence-based educational practices. 

organizational strategies such as NIC and NOC have also added to the knowledge
base of nursing science and provided a common language for better communication
and interpretation

    Teaching methodologies must move beyond factual information
and promote critical thinking for the role of the nurse in this complex and
technologically enhanced healthcare system.