Jinnah, Pakistan and Islamic Identity_ The Search for Saladin-Routledge (1997)


Key Points:

  1. In-depth Biography: Provides a detailed narrative of Jinnah’s life, his political struggles, and his vision for Pakistan.
  2. Islamic Identity: Analyzes Jinnah’s efforts to forge a unique Islamic identity for Pakistan amidst cultural and political challenges.
  3. Historical and Cultural Insights: Offers a critical examination of the historical context and the influence of Jinnah’s legacy on modern-day Pakistan.



Book Description:

Jinnah, Pakistan and Islamic Identity: The Search for Saladin” by Akbar S. Ahmed is a scholarly exploration of Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s role in shaping the identity of Pakistan. The book delves into Jinnah’s political journey, his vision for an Islamic state, and the complex interplay between nationalism and religion, framing Jinnah as a modern-day Saladin in the quest for a Muslim homeland.


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