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Grade Inflation In Nursing Education

Issues of Grade Inflation In Nursing Education

 What Is Grade Inflation,Implementation of Grade Inflation,Outcomes of Grade Inflation In Nursing Education.

What Is Grade Inflation

define grade inflation as an increase in student grades without a concomitant
increase in ability (Cacamese, Elnicki, & Speer, 2007; Donaldson &
Gray, 2012; Fazio, Papp, Torre, & Defer, 2013, Scanlan & Care, 2004,
2008 ). Although the issue of grade inflation has been a concern in academia
for more than four decades, grade inflation is still rampant across disciplines
and universities (O’Flynn-McGee & Clauson, 2013; Scanlan & Care, 2004,
2008; Weaver, Humbert, Besinger, Graber, & Brizendine, 2007).

Implementation of Grade Inflation

issue of grade inflation is important to nurse educators as gatekeepers to a
practice profession (Fazio et al. 2013; O’Flynn-McGee & Clauson, 2013;
Roman & Trevino, 2006; Scanlan & Care, 2008; Sowbel, 2011). According
to these authors, the purpose of grades is to provide the student with information
regarding the ability to master knowledge of nursing, as well as the
application of knowledge to practice. If students have over-inflated
perceptions of their knowledge and competence as a nurse, the concern for safe
practice is real.
Furthermore, in a consumer-driven era, students may focus on
attaining high grades, rather than learning (Duane & Satre, 2014;
O’Flynn McGee & Clauson, 2013; Scanlan & Care, 2004). 

    Nurse educators
experience uneasy feelings when a marginal student graduates. The question
faced is “What will be the long-term impact on patient care for a student
whose practice was, at best, marginal?”
universities, student evaluations of teaching performance and course delivery
are integral factors considered in promotion and tenure decisions; there is
widespread belief that higher grades lead to better teaching evaluations (Fazio
et al., 2013; Germain & Scandura, 2005; O’Flynn McGee & Clauson, 2013;
Scanlan & Care, 2004, 2008). 

    Faculty question the validity and reliability
of standardized evaluation tools (Donaldson & Gray, 2012: Germain &
Scandura, 2005), an issue that is particularly critical when clinical practice
is graded. For example, if tools designed to evaluate classroom teaching are
mandated for use by students in clinical practice courses, student feedback may
not be useful. Nevertheless, fear of poor student evaluations may underlie faculty
practices to assign higher clinical grades in the belief that these higher
grades will lead to better student evaluations of teaching effectiveness.

factor related to grade inflation is the use of part-time faculty as preceptors
for students in clinical practice (Bickes & Schim, 2010; Roman &
Trevino, 2006; Scanlan & Care, 2008). These nurses, while skillful
practitioners, are not familiar with the nursing curriculum, intended clinical
outcomes, nor the theoretical underpinnings of evaluation. 

    In addition, the
relationship with the student can interfere with the preceptor’s ability to
make a reasoned judgment (Bickes & Schim, 2010; Donaldson & Gray, 2012;
O’Flynn McGee & Clauson, 2013; Scanlan & Care, 2008; Sowbel , 2011).
More importantly, these part-time faculty lack experience and the confidence to
make a determination that the student does not have the requisite knowledge and
understanding to pass the course (Heaslip & Scammell, 2012)

Outcomes of Grade Inflation In Nursing Education

reviewing the literature, there are consistent themes regarding the reasons for
grade inflation that include rising consumerism among students, institutional
policies such as mandatory teaching evaluations and threat of appeal, use of
part-time faculty, lack of faculty understanding regarding evaluation
practices, and completion of assigning a grade-to-clinical practice (Bickes
& Schim, 2010; Germain & Scandura, 2005; O’Flynn McGee & Clauson,
2013; Scanlan & Care, 2004, 2008 Schneider, 2013; Weaver et al., 2007 ).
Although there are some empirical studies (Bickes & Schim, 2010; Donaldson
& Gray, 2012; O’Flynn McGee & Clauson, 2013, Scanlan & Care, 2004,
2008), there is no sustained body of empirical evidence that addresses grade
inflation in nursing, particularly in clinical practice.

inflation in clinical practice is particularly important to nurse educators as
gatekeepers of the profession. The under- lying factors of use of part-time
clinical teachers, lack of understanding of evaluation practices, and
university policies contribute to grade inflation and allow marginal students
to graduate.
is a reluctance to fail students clinically, especially in the first year of
clinical practice because faculty may believe it is important to give students
a second chance (Heaslip & Scammell, 2012, Scanlan & Care, 2004, 2008). 

    Clinical evaluations are further compromised when one considers the complexity
of professional values and the impact of regulatory requirements inherent in
nursing practice (O’Flynn-McGee & Clauson, 2013). Without genuine feedback,
students may proceed with the program without addressing underperforming issues.
policies contribute to the potential for grade inflation (Donaldson & Gray,
2012; Fazio et al., 2013; Scanlan & Care, 2004, 2008). Students who perform
poorly in a course may voluntarily withdraw late in the term. 

    More trouble is
the threat that a student may appeal to a low grade. Students view themselves
as consumers and believe that hard work equals a high grade (Germain &
Scandura, 2005; Scanlan & Care, 2004). When the grade desired is not
forthcoming. students can appeal the grade. Rather than face the prospects of
an appeal, faculty find it easier to assign a higher grade in keeping with the
grade the student expects (Bickes & Schim, 2010; Fazio et al, 2013; Scanlan
& Care, 2004, 2008). 

    An unintended consequence of assigning higher grades
when not warranted is that the grade scale becomes compressed and truly good
work and effort are not rewarded (O’Flynn-McGee & Clauson, 2013; Scanlan
& Care, 2004, 2008). Students quickly learn that minimal effort is all that
is required for a “good” grade.
are few solutions to grade inflation that have not been discussed in the
discourse concerning grade inflation, including faculty development regarding
evaluation practices, use of valid and reliable evaluation tools, and review of
university policies (Cacamese et al., 2007; Heaslip & Scammell , 2012;
O’Flynn-McGee & Clauson, 2013; Scanlan & Care, 2004, 2008). 

criteria that address clinical practice outcomes could ameliorate grade
inflation in clinical practice courses. In an effort to address grade inflation
in clinical grades, nurse educators have moved to a pass/fail in clinical
courses. However, as Heaslip and Scammell (2012) contend, even pass/fail
clinical evaluations are subjective and not value free. The evaluations depend
on an assessment by the evaluator.
the definition of grade inflation as described is the accepted definition in
the literature across a wide range of university disciplines. 

    However, is there
conceptual clarity regarding grade inflation? Are the studies in the current
literature studying the same phenomenon? A rigorous concept analysis of grade
inflation would add clarity to the literature.
educators teach the nurses of tomorrow. As the entry point to the profession,
it is incumbent upon nurse educators to ensure that feedback to students is
genuine and reflects nursing practice abilities. Ongoing research addresses the
issues necessary to ensure that graduates of nursing programs are clearly able
to provide safe and competent nursing care.