Funding for Doctoral Study and Research
Funding for Doctoral Study and Research and discover funding opportunities for doctoral study and research in Finland, the USA, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and the UK. Explore scholarships, grants, and fellowships to support your academic journey.
The websites listed in this topic represent the best resources available for doctoral students and those considering doctoral study. They also include resources for research. In preparing this topic every effort was made to include a representative group of resources from the countries that offer nursing doctoral education; However, this was only partially successful. We requested the assistance of colleagues from around the world, and this enabled us to expand the listings included here. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
We are grateful to all those who provided information for this topic. In addition to these sites, individuals are encouraged to review the websites of the specific schools that they are interested in attending. Much can be learned from the review of a school’s website.
For example, one can investigate faculty research interests, faculty funding, if the school’s doctoral program has a specific focus (eg women’s health or gerontology), the nature of coursework and research experiences, resources and facilities available, other colleges at the university, and the availability of financial aid, research assistantships, student assistantships and courses of interest. The sites listed below include information on obtaining funding for doctoral study and research. They are listed in alphabetical order. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
Academy of Finland
Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.The Academy of Finland is a governmental organization that focuses on research funding and science policy. The goal of the organization is to promote high-level scientific research through long-term quality-based research funding, science and science policy expertise, and efforts to strengthen the position of science and scientific research. Thirteen per cent of total Finnish government revenue supports research at Finnish research universities and research institutes. The Academy of Finland funds research and researcher training. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
Ad Astra Chapter of the Association for Women in Science
The Ad Astra Chapter of the Association for Women in Science is located in Lawrence, Kansas, USA, and provides scholarships. Scholarships are listed on the web page and are organized by deadline periods (eg January—March, AprilJune , July—September, October—December and ongoing). The website includes a variety of options for doctoral study.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is a professional organization that provides information on higher education programs in nursing in the USA. It is a well-respected organization in the USA that provides a wealth of useful information on all forms of higher education in nursing (eg BSN, MSN, ND, DNSc and PhD degrees)
American Association of Colleges of Nursing publication
Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.AACN’s award-winning and nationally recognized journals present evidence-based clinical information you need. From bedside care to research, our journals capture the latest in acute and critical care nursing.
Indicators of Quality in Research-Focused Doctoral
Programs in Nursing (November 2001)
The link above provides information from the AACN publication that addresses quality indicators in research-focused doctoral programs. This resource is particularly useful for those considering doctoral study, so that they can ensure they enter a quality program that meets their individual goals.
American Association of the History of Nursing-resources
Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.The American Association of the History of Nursing is a professional organization for those interested in nursing history. The organization is based in the USA and includes some research funding opportunities for small pilot projects. Due dates and application guidelines are available through the website.
American Association of University Women
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) is a professional organization that supports higher education for women in the USA and internationally. The link above includes information on a variety of fellowships and grants available through the organization. These opportunities are directed towards graduate students and women at other career stages. Information is provided on ordering a fellowship booklet. The AAUW has both a US and an international fellowship program at the doctoral and postdoctoral levels.
American Cancer Society research programs and funding
The American Cancer Society provides information on various funding sources that are supported by the organization. The society only funds proposals that focus on cancer research.
American Nurses Association Ethnic Minority Fellowship Program
The American Nurses Association (ANA) Ethnic Minority Fellowship Program provides funding to qualifying minority students for one to two years. Priority is given to applicants who wish to study psychiatric mental health and substance abuse. The link above includes information on various opportunities that are available including the Clinical Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship, and the Clinical Research Pre-Doctoral Fellowship.
American Nurses Association Funding for Nursing Education
The ANA is the professional nurses association in the USA that represents all nurses. The link provided is one section of the ANA web page that provides information on funding nursing education. The site includes information on the Nurse Reinvestment Act from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and how to apply for funds. HRSA is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
ANA’s Online Journal of Issues in Nursing ‘Doctoral Nursing
The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing is a peer-reviewed publication that provides a forum for discussion of the issues inherent in current topics of interest to nurses and other health care professionals.
Education in the Americas’. S. Ketefian , E. Neves and M. Gutiérrez (May 31, 2001)
This is a link to an article on doctoral education in the Americas. The article provides information that may be helpful to those who are considering pursuing doctoral education. See also ‘Nursing doctoral education in the United Kingdom and Ireland’, in the same journal, by Hugh McKenna and John Cutcliffe.
American Nurses Foundation
The American Nurses Foundation (ANF) offers a variety of grants to support nursing research. Detailed guidelines are available via the website early in the year (January). Some grant opportunities are available to any researcher in any topic area and others specify a particular level of expertise (novice or senior researchers) or area of interest. ANF grants offer small amounts of support that are appropriate for pilot work. Applications are due in early May each year.
American Psychological Association online 1997 doctoral employment survey
The link above provides general information about graduates of doctoral programs in the USA. Information includes job types and salary information. The information provided on this site will be useful to those considering applying to doctoral programs.
Asthma Australia
The Asthma Australia website includes information on the Macquarie Bank Asthma Research Alliance scholarships, which provide funding for PhD research on asthma. An outline of information and applications are available via portable document format (PDF) on the website. The website also includes links to local branches that fund local research, including New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia.
Australian College of Midwives, Inc.
This is the home page for the Australian College of Midwives (ACM). For information on funding opportunities, click on the education section, then go to scholarships. The due date for scholarships through the ACM is March 31 of each year. Funds are available for research projects and are reviewed by a selection committee. A proposal must be submitted to be considered. Funds are also available to attend conferences, for visiting midwives and public education projects.
Australian Department of Health and Aging
The Australian Department of Health and Aging provides various opportunities for research funding and other projects. Information can be located by clicking on the ‘About Us’ link and then clicking on ‘Tenders and Grants’.
Australian and New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses
The above link is to the home page of the Australian and New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses. Click on the ‘Awards and Grants’ section to find information on available funding opportunities. A variety of options is available and detailed information is provided on the website.
Australian Research Council Discovery Scheme
The link above provides detailed information on the Australian Research Council (ARC) scholarship programs, deadlines to apply, and priority areas for ARC funding. The web page also includes information on research ethics and national research guidelines.
Australian Rotary Health Research Fund
The Australian Rotary Health Research Fund supports research in mental health, and administers the Ian Scott Fellowship. Information on the fellowship and general grant support is provided via the web page. Detailed instructions and due dates are listed online. A general fund exists for research aimed at improving the health of Australian citizens.
British Lung Foundation
This website provides information on the British Lung Foundation (BLF), the BLF research strategy, goals of the foundation, and grant opportunities. Detailed information is provided on grant proposal selection criteria. The referees report form, previously funded grants, and application procedures are also included. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
BUPA Foundation
The BUPA Foundation is an independent medical research charity that provides funding for the prevention, relief and cure of sickness and ill health. The Foundation aims to produce long-term benefits that have an impact on the health of both individuals and the whole country. Approximately £1.5 million per year is provided to fund research projects. Research projects in the following areas are supported: clinical excellence, medical research, health at work, epidemiology and communication and care for the elderly.
CAPES (Brazil Government Information) This website includes information on various scholarships appropriate for doctoral education and research in nursing that are sponsored by the Brazilian government.
Canadian Institute for Health Research Doctoral Research Award training_salary /doc_research_e.shtml
The Canadian Institute of Health Research website includes information on doctoral research awards and the application process. Those interested should apply by October 15 of each year. Detailed information on the award and requirements is provided.
Canadian Nurses Foundation
The Canadian Nurses Foundation is a charitable organization promoting health and patient care in Canada. The Foundation provides nursing research grants, study awards for higher education, and financial support for other educational purposes. A key goal of the Foundation is development, dissemination, and implementation of nursing knowledge in Canada. Contact information and general information about the Foundation is provided on the website. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
Canadian Society for International Health
Funding for Doctoral Study and Research. The Canadian Society for International Health website includes information on funding opportunities for Canadians studying for a degree abroad. In addition, the Society provides funding opportunities for research and voluntary work overseas as well as some miscellaneous funding opportunities. The listings on this website are very comprehensive and include detailed contact and application information.
Cancer Research UK
This is a comprehensive website about cancer research that is based in the UK. Click on the ‘Science and Research’ section for information on funding opportunities, researchers, previously funded grants, institutes and centers and funding management. Annual reports are also available to review on this website under the section titled: ‘Funding Committees’. Grant application information is found in the ‘Funding and Management’ section. A variety of opportunities are available for those interested in cancer research. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
Chief Scientist Office (Scotland)
The Chief Scientist Office supports and promotes high quality research aimed at improving the sciences offered by the National Health Service of Scotland and the health of the people of Scotland. The website includes information on the revised research strategy, annual reports, the research development scheme, and health-related professions that are included (nursing, midwifery, allied health). A comprehensive list of current research, training, and events opportunities is provided. Application information is available for download.
Churchill Trust-fellowships and scholarships for overseas study
The Churchill Trust provides scholarships and fellowships to qualifying graduate students who wish to pursue study overseas. Basic information on both scholarships and fellowship opportunities is provided on the website. Detailed application information is also available. The ‘frequently asked questions’ section is useful for those who are considering an application for one of these awards. Contact information is provided for further information and questions. Information is also provided on previous fellows and their reports.
Clinical Information Access Program (CIAP) professional nursing organizations
This webpage provides a very comprehensive list of scholarship and funding opportunities available in New South Wales, Australia. Brief information about the scholarship or funding source as well as contact information is provided. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education, and Youth Affairs (Australia)
The above link provides information on the educational services available for overseas students who are in Australia. General information on programs, application procedures, frequently asked questions, ‘what’s new,’ and contact information is provided and there are some useful links.
Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses (CATSIN)
This provides occasional scholarship opportunities for graduate study organization, provided through the VIERTEL Foundation. The goal of CATSIN is the recruitment and retention of indigenous peoples of Australia in nursing. Contact information and extensive information on CATSIN is provided on the website. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
Diabetes Australia Research Trust
The Diabetes Australia Research Trust supports diabetes research throughout Australia. Approximately 35 grants are awarded to researchers annually. All proposals are peer reviewed.
Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australia
Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australia (DANA) is a resource network that provides leadership, professional support and friendship to nurses working with or advocating for people with alcohol and other drug issues and concerned others. The aim of the organization is excellence and ongoing improvement in the quality of nursing care offered to these people. DANA offers a small scholarship of up to AUS$500 to assist in professional development. Applications are accepted anytime. One must be a member of DANA and fill out an application.
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
The mission of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is to promote and support high quality basic, strategic and applied research, and related postgraduate training in the social sciences in the UK. The ESRC also strives to advance knowledge and provide trained social scientists. Another function is to provide advice on, and disseminate knowledge, and promote public understanding of the social sciences. Several funding mechanisms are available through the ESRC, including studentships, fellowships, research, research resources and facilities, seminars and workshops, and international opportunities. Detailed information on these options is available from the website.
Endocrine Nurses Society of Australia
The Endocrine Nurses Society of Australia provides a AUS$5000 nursing research grant for endocrine-related proposals. An application must be completed and individuals must meet application criteria to apply. An application form is provided and is due to the Endocrine Nurses Society by July 31 of each year. All information related to the research grant can be found under the section titled ‘Research grant’. The site also includes information on scholarships for international travel to an endocrine conference. Individuals may be supported for up to AUS$2500. These funds also require an application due on July 31 of each year.
European Commission
This website provides detailed information on the Sixth Framework Program for European Research and Technological Development (2002– 2006), which may be useful for doctoral students in or from Europe who are deciding on a topic of interest for their dissertation research. The ‘Activities’ section includes a section titled ‘Research and innovation’, which also offers information that may be useful to doctoral students and those considering doctoral study. The information on this website is available in several languages. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
European Science Foundation
The home page of the European Science Foundation lists several different opportunities for graduate students interested in research funding. There is targeted recruitment of ‘young scientists’ and program proposals. The grants page includes information on five different opportunities, private sector sponsorship, and participation of researchers from industry and the private sector in the European Science Foundation activities. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
FAFSA: Your Gateway to Financial Aid for Graduate Study
This web address is part of the network, an organization that provides online information about a variety of topics. Detailed information is provided on obtaining funding for graduate school. This site is not specific to nursing, but offers general information on graduate schools. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
Finnish Association of Caring Sciences
Funding for Doctoral Study and Research. The Finnish Association of Caring Sciences (FACS) is a professional organization that supports and promotes research in nursing science and the application to clinical nursing. FACS also organizes conferences and publishes a journal. Grant opportunities are periodically made available. The address for the board is HTTS, University of Oulu, Department of Nursing and Health Administration, PO Box 5300, FIN 90014, Finland. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
Finnish Federation of Nurses
Information on this web page is only available in Finnish. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research
Finnish Foundation of Nursing Education [In Finnish:
Address for the Board: SHKS, Erottajankatu 1A 10, 00130 Helsinki, Finland. Currently not available online.
Florence Nightingale Foundation
The Florence Nightingale Foundation funds a living memorial and strives to advance the study of nursing and the promotion of excellence in nursing practice. Various scholarships are available through the foundation and include funds for travel and research. The web page includes a detailed section on how to apply. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research.
Fogarty International Center
The home page of the Fogarty International Center (FIC) lists several relevant sections including training grants, research grants, and fellowships. The ‘International services’ section lists the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Visiting Program for foreign scientists and includes visa and passport information. The mission of FIC is to promote and support scientific research and training internationally to reduce disparities in global health.
Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program
Funding for Doctoral Study and Research. The Ford Foundation is a resource for innovative people and institutions worldwide that embraces the following goals: strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote international cooperation and advance human achievement. Detailed information is provided on the Fellowship Program including an introduction, general guidelines, eligibility and the application process.
Fulbright Commissions and Foundations
The Fulbright Commissions and Foundations is a group of non-profit organizations that oversee the Fulbright Program abroad. This web page provides application information for US citizens and non-US nationals. Information is also provided on the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and alumni of the program.
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Funding for Doctoral Study and Research. The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada strives to improve the health of Canadians by preventing and reducing disability and death from heart disease and stroke through research, health promotion and advocacy. The home page of this website includes a list of new opportunities for funding. Individual awards have different criteria and due dates (which are various). An application form, which is also available on the web, must be completed.
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