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 Curriculum Evaluation In Nursing 

Evaluation of Curriculum In Nursing Education

Whats is Curriculum Evaluation,Implementation of Evaluation,Impact of Curriculum Evaluation,Who Evaluate Nursing Curriculum.

Whats is Curriculum Evaluation

    Curriculum evaluation is an ongoing
systematic process centered on continuously improvement of the nursing
curriculum (Card, Flannigan, & Clusky, 2004). Curriculum evaluation is
defined as the gathering and analysis of data that match curricular objectives
and using those data to make improvements in the curriculum.

Implementation of Evaluation

    Continuous curriculum evaluation is
essential to the maintenance of quality nursing education. Nursing programs
contract with multiple stakeholders, but it is the contract with society that
is most important because the public deserves the best care possible. To
produce a safe, competent nurse, curricula must be assessed to determine if
state-of-the-art objectives and outcomes of nursing essentials are reflected
within the curricula, With the advent of technology, a new challenge to nursing
curricula is the delivery of courses via web-based methods. 

    The use of
asynchronous courses and discussion boards threatens the integrity of the
curriculum if its initial intent was used in the traditional classroom
(Keating, 2006). The use of a theoretical framework to guide curriculum
evaluation assists faculty to produce high quality outcomes.

    Multiple models for curriculum
evaluation are embraced by some programs of nursing while other programs find
it most beneficial to adhere to one specific model. A classic, the 1942
objectives model described by Tyler, identifies four teaching principles
defining appropriate learning objectives; establishing useful learning
experiences organizing learning experiences to have at maximum cumulative
effect; and evaluating the curriculum and revising those aspects that did not
prove effective (Keating, 2006) Prototype context, input, process, and product
(CIPP) is a curriculum evaluation model developed by Stufflebeam and Shinkfield

    It consists of four evaluation types that result in four decisions:
Context (Is there a need?); input revaluation (What resources are available?
process evaluation (Is the program implemented as planned? and product
evaluation (Does the data determine that the objectives were met?). This model
often serves as a basis for other curriculum evaluation models in nursing
education (Bradshaw & Lowenstein, 2007).It is imperative that the
evaluation method matches the model on which the curriculum was built
(Chavasse. 1994).

Impact of Curriculum Evaluation

    Continuous curriculum assessment in
nursing education is a method to inform stake holders about the quality and
standards of the program. The stakeholders include society, faculty, students,
alumni, the institution, councils of higher education, and accrediting bodies
(Keating, 2006). Reporting data and changes made as a result of the data
increases the credibility of the school. Multiple divided opinions concerning
evaluation exist (Smillie, Wong, & Arklie, 1984). However, an essential
component of a quality evaluation design is a comprehensive plan for the
collection of data that matches the established objectives within the

    The plan determines what data will be collected, the frequency of
data collection, the method of data analysis. and how to handle the findings
(Giddens & Morton, 2010). One method of data collection suggested by Jacobs
and Koehn (2004) is the use of questionnaires. These authors suggest that the
constituents included in a survey sample are students (exit survey), alumni,
and employers. This method may produce a low return rate, but the online survey
technologies now available may help improve return rates.

    The school, in most instances, has
the power to establish the timeline of data collection. Depending on the data
needed, it is suggested that data be collected every 1 to 3 years or during
intervals that satisfy accreditation cycles (Keating, 2006). Data collected
should be analyzed in a timely manner to facilitate improvement. It is
important to then report the data and implement curriculum changes. Data and
reports should be systematically stored in notebooks or electronically in
secure locations.

Who Evaluate Nursing Curriculum

    Schools of nursing have a
responsibility to create and implement a plan for curriculum evaluation. An
evaluation committee consisting of faculty with experience in curricula
evaluation is recommended. Appointing a curriculum coordinator with extensive
knowledge to oversee the curriculum committee is imperative. It is also
important that the coordinator mentors an associate coordinator to maintain
continuity if the coordinator is not available. 

    The committee should be charged
with determining that the data to be collected matches the objectives, setting
a timeline for data collection, collecting the data, analyzing the data, making
recommendations to the faculty at large, assisting in the implementation of
changes, and storing the date appropriately.
Each faculty member plays a role in
the evaluation process. In addition to providing assessment data and exemplars
of projects and papers from courses, faculty can assist the committee by
providing information concerning rapidly changing health care policies and

    Furthermore, faculty should provide input into new curricula design
and evaluation for programs such as a new web-based curriculum. The chief
nursing officer (CNO) of the school is also a significant contributor to the
evaluation process. Institutional data and bench marking data obtained from
crediting bodies may be available only to the CNO (Gard et al., 2004; Giddens
& Morton, 2010). There is a need for research on curriculum evaluation as
new models of education delivery continue to emerge, particularly in the area
of education delivered exclusively online.