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Triangulation In Research What is Triangulation in Research

In nursing research, triangulation commonly refers to the combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods within a single study. There are various approaches to triangulation, each serving multiple purposes.

According to Duffy (1987), triangulation is “the use of multiple methods, theories, data, and/or investigators in the study of a common phenomenon” (p. 130). The term triangulation originates from surveying and navigation, describing the concept of using known points and angles in a triangular arrangement to locate an unknown point.

D. Campbell and Fiske (1959) were the first to apply this approach using the multi-method matrix to establish convergent validity.

Approaches for Triangulation

Denzin (1989) identified four distinct approaches to triangulation: methodological, data, theoretical, and investigator.

Methodological Triangulation

Methodological triangulation, the most commonly used approach in nursing research, involves employing two or more different methods within a single study. Denzin highlighted that this approach could involve either within-method or between-method triangulation.

ES Mitchell (1986) stressed the need for complementarity in the methods used. Within-method triangulation refers to using several different instruments to measure a construct, such as using the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Revised (PPVT-R) and the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC) to assess various dimensions of child development.

Between-method triangulation (also known as across-method triangulation) involves using more than one research method to study a phenomenon, such as combining a qualitative approach like phenomenology with a quantitative approach like a descriptive survey. This form of triangulation can be conducted simultaneously or sequentially.

Theoretical Triangulation

Theoretical triangulation involves analyzing data using several related, but potentially contradictory, theories or hypotheses. The hypothesis that aligns with the data is considered strongly supported because other theories and hypotheses have been ruled out (Mitchell, 1986).

This type of triangulation can be employed within both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. It aims to avoid narrow or overly specialized interpretations of data. As Denzin (1989) explained, theoretical triangulation fosters awareness of the multiple ways data can be interpreted.

Data Triangulation

Data triangulation involves collecting data from different sources to strengthen the study’s findings. A related type, investigator triangulation, suggests using more than one data collector to ensure data reliability and employing multiple analysts to interpret the data to guard against bias (Denzin, 1989).

ES Mitchell (1986) proposed a fifth type, multiple triangulations, which combines two or more types of triangulations, such as methodological, data, and investigator triangulation, within a single study.

Purposes of Triangulation

Initially, triangulation was mainly used for confirmation purposes. Confirmation, analogous to convergent validity, involves using multiple methods, data sources, or investigators to explore a single, clear conclusion or representation of reality.

More recently, triangulation has been utilized to achieve completeness. This approach illuminates many aspects of a multi-dimensional construct, as researchers employ both qualitative and quantitative methods to seek confirmation and completeness, such as in studies of families with critically ill children.

However, not all scholars agree with using triangulation for completeness. ES Mitchell (1986) identified several concerns with multiple triangulations that also apply to other triangulation approaches:

  1. A common unit of analysis is essential in any form of triangulation.
  2. Certain forms of triangulation, particularly data and investigator triangulation, can be costly in terms of time and resources.
  3. Triangulation places special demands on the investigator, as combining methods requires “a broad knowledge base in research methodology, including both qualitative and quantitative methods” (p. 24).

The most significant challenge of triangulation lies in analysis. Mitchell noted that analysis in a triangulated study presents unique difficulties, such as combining numerical and textual data. Problems can also occur when interpreting divergent results from different data types and weighing data collected from various sources and methods.

Triangulation in Nursing Research

Despite these challenges, triangulation of methods, data, theories, or investigators can be a valuable tool in advancing nursing science. The concepts of interest in nursing are often complex and multidimensional human constructs, making them difficult to examine through a single research approach. Triangulation allows for a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of these constructs.