Nurses Educator

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Educational Transformation in Nursing 

Transformation In Nursing Education

What Is Transformation,Need of Transformation In Health Care Education,Transformation and Patient Engagement.

What Is Transformation

    New evidence also supports a transformation of the process of how nurses are educated, which influences the role of the nurse as educator. Benner, Sutphen, Leonard, and Day (2010) completed a study of the national trends causing the nursing shortage and the increased complexity of demands on nursing practice. These trends have led to a significant gap between nursing education and practice. 

    The results of Benner et al’s study include 26 recommendations in six key areas, including entrance into nursing education, pathways for nursing education, student population characteristics, student experiences, teaching in nursing, transition into practice, and professional oversight of nursing education and practice.Another transformative movement is the relatively recent awareness of the importance of inter-professional education for the redesign of patient care delivery. 

Need of Transformation In Health Care Education

    To best serve consumers of health care, professionals need to work more closely together in a collaborative, interdependent manner and in partnership with patients to deliver appropriate, cost effective, and efficient care within the complex environment of the healthcare system. Creating a linkage between inter-professional education and collaborative practice will result in a climate whereby “all participants learn, all teach, all care, and all collaborate” (Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 2013, p. 1). 

    In achieving the goal of safety. high quality care, a collaborative process is required whereby all team members have equal power.The silos that exist in the education and practice settings are difficult barriers to overcome because of the entrenched professional identities and power differentials. However, interdisciplinary cooperation and teamwork are essential to improve the health outcomes of patients and to achieve a more highly functional healthcare system ( Meleis , 2016). 

    The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has recently shifted its focus to building a Culture of Health by engaging people from diverse fields of expertise who can bring creative and innovative perspectives to solve the many challenges facing the nation’s healthcare system (Hassmiller, 2014 ) .

Transformation and Patient Engagement

    In 2001, the Health and Medicine Division (formerly known as the Institute of Medicine) of the National Academies published a signal report, titled Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 2st Century (Committee on Quality of Health Care in America & IOM, 2001). This report called for urgent and fundamental change to close the quality gap by redesigning the healthcare system in the United States. 

    Among its many recommendations, performance expectations pertinent to nursing and patient education were put forth to guide patient provider relationships for the improvement of quality and safety in care delivery. In the section of the report on preparing the workforce, one of the many recommendations was for leaders in the health professions to restructure their clinical education as well as their formal health education programs.