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The Process of self Evaluation In Nursing Education

Process of Self Evaluation In Nursing Education

What Is Self Evaluation,Self Evaluation In Nursing Education and Implementation,Importance of Self Evaluation In Nursing Education.

What Is Self Evaluation 

    Self evaluation is a process in which a person engages in a subjective appraisal of self. This process may be structured by self enhancement, self verification, self assessment, and self improvement (Sedikides & Strobe, 1995).

Self Evaluation In Nursing Education and Implementation

    Self evaluation in the nursing coach literature is part of the self development process and applies to both the client and coach (DosseyLuck, & Schaub, 2014). It is an integral process of self-development, self-assessment, self-reflection, and self care. Self evaluation may occur as a reflective process with or without the use of a tool or a specific goal. Reflection has the potential to help one transform on a personal, organizational, or social level (Fleming, 2007). The process aids one in determining if, how, and why the desired outcomes have been achieved. 

    Self evaluation may be sparked or enhanced through inter-personal relationships or events. When one performs an evaluation, assessing both merit and worth, the evaluator’s own values may enter the process.Evaluation occurs regularly in nursing and is supported by recommendations throughout nursing literature in scope of practices, processes, and standards of care. The American Nurses Association (ANA) Standard of Nursing Practice #14 is “Professional Practice Evaluation,” stating that the “registered nurse evaluates his or her own practice in relation to professional practice standards and guidelines, relevant statutes and regulation” (ANA, 2010 ). 

    As one evaluates programs, student out- comes, and patient interactions, the role of self cannot be forgotten. Throughout professional nursing practice, organizations and institutions’ formal yearly evaluations occur. In best practice models, self evaluation occurs prior to a discussion with an administrator. In the self evaluation process, the nurse uses self reflection to self-assess, identify, and delight in areas of achievement as well as identify potential opportunities for growth. Self evaluation is further enhanced through dialogue with the administrator, leading to new goals and enhanced self development. 

    As with any evaluation, self-evaluation may be focused on either process or outcomes. Process refers to the content of the self-evaluation and outcome refers to the actual results of the self evaluation (Pender, Murdaugh & Parsons, 2006). When self-evaluation is focused on outcomes, it may include the completion of projects, student teaching, or certain achievements such as publishing, certifications, presentations, and completion of research. Self-evaluation concerning process may include reflection on factors that hindered or facilitated goal achievement; it may include teaching or leadership style, interpersonal relationships, time management, or team cohesiveness. 

    Self evaluation is enhanced through feedback from others as different perspectives may be offered, providing further opportunities for growth and development.Students, practitioners, and faculty have opportunities to use simulation, video recording, and standardized patients as a con tent for self evaluation. For example, reviewing a videotape of a standardized patient encounter assessing verbal and nonverbal communication in a safe, structured environment can be an approach to self evaluation. Self evaluation may be overly critical; thus, the use of group feedback and reflection may help nurses learn from peers and view themselves with compassion and honesty.

Importance of Self Evaluation In Nursing Education

    Self evaluation has value in personal, clinical, and educational interactions in facilitating personal growth. Self evaluation has a place in both formative and summative evaluations. to enable participants to derive meaning from the evaluations and view them as growth producing Viewing self evaluation as a process integral to professional and personal growth increases and expands the process beyond a yearly activity. 

    Both formal and informal processes exist to assist with self evaluation; it may be sparked by self reflection, somatic responses, or interactions with others. Application of self evaluation to our personal wellness can assist us in feeling whole and inspired about life, as our self image may be enhanced.As nurses and nurse educators assist clients and students with self evaluation, self evaluation of the nurse and educator is vital. In addition, the process should be ongoing and not dependent upon an annual workplace evaluation. 

    Thus, self evaluation should be the target of nursing research initiatives, to assess benefits, identify processes, and address both formal and informal methods of self evaluation. Reflection, a key component to the self evaluation process, needs to become a daily practice, supported by workplace institution initiatives. Additional tools and processes need to be developed for quantitative and qualitative studies to be conducted on self evaluation. Educational offerings can offer insights to change perspective of self evaluations, increase dialogue, and identify benefits, so personal growth and meaning for all nurses are enhanced.