Mother Body Prepare for Produce Milk During Pregnancy
Preparation for
Breastfeeding during Pregnancy
among rural women has shown that most of them breastfeed successfully and do
not consider an alternative. Also, problems like painful or cracked nipples and
engorgement are rare. However, a health worker should know what advice to give
should any such problem arise.
Every health
worker should make sure that each mother understands the advantages of
breastfeeding. If she has had problems with breastfeeding in the past, such as
engorgement or sore nipples, the health workers should explain how she can
prevent this from happening.
Some women
believe their nipples are too short for breastfeeding. The health worker should
in that case advise the mother to press the areola on either side of the
nipple. This makes most nipples stand out and appear longer.
She should then
gently try and pull the nipple and areola. Some mothers worry about the nipples
not being protractile. They usually become alright once the baby begins to suck.
The earlier
recommended technique of stretching the areola-Hoffman exercises has not been
found to be helpful. It may start uterine contractions. If however the problem
persists, a simple technique for the management of this condition can be tried.
The nozzle end of the syringe is cut, the plunger withdrawn from its usual
position and inserted through the cut end.
Negative suction is then applied via
the new open end kept over the nipple and the adjacent areola. Once the nipple
protracts out, the baby is put to the breast in the correct position. When
repeated a few the nipples become protractile and breastfeeding becomes easier.
The health
worker should explain to the mother that it is important to keep her own
healthy and strong, and she should eat an extra helping of the family food and
some green vegetables that she should also try and take some rest and lie down
for half to one hour during the afternoon.
As soon after
birth as possible the mother should put the baby to her breast. Initially,
there will only be a little yellowish and thick colostrum, but it is enough for
the baby and is very rich in proteins and protective antibodies which protect
the baby from neonatal infections. It is really like an oral vaccine for
preventing infections.
However, there seems to be a deep-rooted prejudice
against giving colostrum and many mothers do not put the baby to the breast for
one or two days or even longer. Instead, they feed the baby water sweetened
with sugar, glucose or jaggery. Often it is a herbal mixture called ghutti or
janam ghutti.
This practice should be discouraged for two reasons: (i) the baby
gets no nourishment during the first two days, and (ii) due to the baby not
sucking the breast the stimulus to milk production is delayed which interferes
with milk production. This fluid may also produce infection if it is prepared
in an unhygienic way.
To satisfy cultural beliefs, a drop or two of the fluid
may be put into the baby’s mouth, making sure that it is clean and there no
danger of infection. Often the mother and the family can be persuaded to start
breastfeeding after squeezing out a few drops of what they perceive to be
blocked up milk.
A sympathetic health worker can help to overcome this
prejudice by explaining to the mothers and their families the protective value
of colostrum, and encouraging them to feed it to the baby. Early contact
between the mother and baby is important for both bonding and breastfeeding.
Mature Breast
Mature milk
starts from the third or fourth day. The quantity increases gradually, and the
breasts tend to get engorged and tense. However, this is relieved once the baby
starts sucking vigorously. The color of the milk too changes from yellowish to
a whitish color.
Pre-milk and Post-milk
At the
beginning of a feed, the milk looks grey and watery. This is foremilk. contains
plenty of proteins, lactose, vitamins and minerals, and plenty water to satisfy
the baby’s thirst but no much fat. Towards the end of the feed, the milk looks
much whiter. This is hindmilk. It is rich in fat and produces about half of the
energy of a feed.