Pharmacology I &II – BSN Syllabus and Course outline HEC, PNC,UHS

Pharmacology I &II – BSN Syllabus: Course Description

The Pharmacology course is designed to provide students with comprehensive knowledge about drugs, their classifications, therapeutic effects, anticipated reactions, toxic effects, and potential for abuse. The course emphasizes the application of pharmacological concepts to patient care situations, including patient assessment, drug dosage calculations, administration, patient and family education, and documentation of patient responses to specific medications. A significant focus will be on nursing management practices that minimize adverse effects and maximize therapeutic outcomes, highlighting the nurse’s role in pharmacological research.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, each learner will be able to:

  1. Discuss the effects of different drugs on the human body, particularly on the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and immunological systems.
  2. Relate knowledge of drugs in terms of their indications for use concerning various disorders.
  3. Explain the rationale for using specific drugs for patients.
  4. Select appropriate nursing interventions for drugs administered in clinical situations.
  5. Provide education to patients and families regarding medications based on their needs.
  6. Utilize the nursing process to evaluate the necessity for and effectiveness of administered drugs.
  7. Integrate knowledge of legal and ethical issues in drug administration.
  8. Incorporate relevant research findings into the development of new drugs as a foundation for nursing practice.
  9. Employ cognitive, interpersonal, and technical skills derived from the humanities and sciences when administering medications, considering the principles of different drugs.
  10. Accurately calculate drug dosages when administering oral and parenteral medications.

Teaching/Learning Strategies

  • Lectures and tutorials
  • Handouts
  • Self-directed learning
  • Drug cards
  • Quizzes

Evaluation Criteria

  • Tests: 40%
  • Presentation on categories of medicine: 20%
  • Final Exam: 40%
  • Total: 100%

Pharmacology I


UNIT I: Introduction to Pharmacology

  • Terminologies: Discuss key terms related to pharmacology.
  • History of Pharmacology: Provide a brief overview of pharmacology’s evolution.
  • Purposes of Medication: Identify the purposes for which medications are used.
  • Sources of Medication: Discuss various sources of medications.
  • Classification of Drugs: Explore how drugs are classified.
  • Drug Supply Systems: Describe the three types of drug supply systems.
  • Drug Standards and Legislation: Discuss the regulations governing drugs.
  • Resource Utilization: Identify resources for drug information and learn to prepare drug cards.

UNIT II: Drugs Used to Treat and Prevent Infections

  • Common Drug Categories: Define antibiotics, antifungals, antiparasitics, antimalarials, and antivirals.
  • Drug Actions and Effects: Briefly discuss the actions and effects of these drug categories.
  • Nursing Measures and Patient Education: Discuss nursing measures and education for patients using these medications.

UNIT III: Drugs Affecting the Gastrointestinal System

  • Common Symptoms/Disorders: Discuss disorders treated with gastrointestinal drugs.
  • Drug Uses and Effects: Describe uses, effects, and classifications of gastrointestinal drugs.
  • Expected and Adverse Reactions: Identify expected and adverse reactions associated with these drugs.
  • Nursing Responsibilities: Discuss nursing responsibilities related to administering gastrointestinal drugs.
  • Dosage Calculations: Accurately calculate drug dosages.

UNIT IV: Drugs Affecting the Hematology System

  • Uses and Effects: Describe the uses and effects of drugs that impact the hematology system.
  • Drug Classifications: Discuss the classification of drugs used for hematological disorders.
  • Action on the Body: Explore how these drugs affect the body.
  • Expected and Adverse Reactions: Identify expected and adverse reactions to hematology drugs.
  • Nursing Responsibilities: Discuss nursing responsibilities for managing these medications.
  • Dosage Calculations: Accurately calculate drug dosages.

UNIT V: Anti-neoplastic Drugs

  • Uses and Effects: Describe the uses and effects of anti-neoplastic drugs.
  • Classification: Discuss the classification of these drugs.
  • Action on the Body: Explain how anti-neoplastic drugs act within the body.
  • Expected and Adverse Reactions: Identify expected and adverse reactions associated with these medications.
  • Nursing Responsibilities: Discuss nursing responsibilities regarding anti-neoplastic drug administration.
  • Dosage Calculations: Accurately calculate drug dosages.

Pharmacology II

Course Description

This course builds upon the foundational knowledge of drugs covered in Pharmacology I, focusing on their classifications, therapeutic effects, anticipated reactions, toxic effects, and potential for abuse. Emphasis will be placed on applying pharmacological concepts to patient care situations, including assessment, dosage calculations, administration, education, and documentation of patient responses to medications.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, each learner will be able to:

  1. Apply conceptual knowledge regarding drugs used for cardiovascular, respiratory, CNS, ANS, EENT, and endocrine disorders.
  2. Accurately calculate drug dosages for oral and parenteral medications.
  3. Explain the rationale for selecting specific drugs for patient treatment.
  4. Choose appropriate nursing interventions for clinical drug administration.
  5. Provide patient and family education regarding medications.
  6. Utilize the nursing process to assess the need for and effectiveness of medications.
  7. Integrate legal and ethical considerations in drug administration.
  8. Incorporate relevant research findings in drug development as part of nursing practice.
  9. Employ cognitive, interpersonal, and technical skills in drug administration.
  10. Understand alternative therapies in medicine.
  11. Use advanced English language skills in classroom and clinical settings.

Teaching/Learning Strategies

  • Lectures and handouts
  • Self-directed learning
  • Drug cards
  • Quizzes

Evaluation Criteria

  • Tests: 40%
  • Presentation on categories of medicine: 20%
  • Final Exam: 40%
  • Total: 100%

Pharmacology II Topics

UNIT I: Drugs Used in Endocrine Disorders

A. Antidiabetic Drugs

  • Disease Process: Review diabetes mellitus and the role of insulin in metabolism.
  • Anti-diabetic Agents: Discuss different types of anti-diabetic agents, their modes of action, side effects, and care considerations.
  • Combination Therapy: Explain reasons for combining insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents.
  • Dosage Calculations: Accurately calculate drug dosages.

B. Corticosteroids

  • Adrenal Gland Function: Review the anatomy and physiology of adrenal glands.
  • Exogenous Corticosteroids: Discuss actions, indications, side effects, and contraindications.
  • Corticosteroid Therapy: Differentiate between short-term and long-term therapy.
  • Anabolic Steroids: Discuss the effects and implications of abusing anabolic steroids.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate drug dosages accurately.

C. Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs

  • Thyroid Hormone Effects: Review the physiological effects of thyroid hormones.
  • Drug Actions: Discuss actions, indications, side effects, and contraindications of thyroid and anti-thyroid drugs.
  • Drug Interactions: Integrate how these drugs influence the metabolism of other drugs.
  • Patient Education: Teach self-care activities related to these medications.
  • Dosage Calculations: Accurately calculate drug dosages.

D. Hypothalamus and Pituitary Drugs

  • Hormone Uses: Discuss clinical uses of hypothalamus and pituitary hormones.
  • Nursing Considerations: Identify nursing considerations in administering these drugs.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

UNIT II: Drugs Used for Nervous System Disorders

A. Anesthetic Drugs

  • Anesthesia Definitions: Define anesthesia and differentiate types of anesthetic agents.
  • Stages of General Anesthesia: Identify the stages of general anesthesia.
  • Anesthetic Characteristics: Describe characteristics of anesthetic agents.
  • Choosing Anesthetics: Discuss factors in selecting anesthetic agents.
  • Nursing Roles: Explain nursing roles in administering anesthetics.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

B. Anti-Convulsants

  • Pharmacokinetics: Discuss pharmacokinetics, side effects, and therapeutic levels.
  • Nursing Interventions: Explain nursing interventions and client education for anti-convulsants.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

C. Anti-Parkinson’s Drugs

  • Drug Actions: Describe actions of anticholinergic and dopaminergic drugs.
  • Drug Types: Differentiate between types of anti-Parkinson’s drugs.
  • Patient Education: Discuss nursing responsibilities related to these medications.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

D. Anti-Migraine and Trigeminal Neuralgia Drugs

  • Drug Actions: Discuss actions, contraindications, and side effects.
  • Common Drugs: Identify commonly used drugs.
  • Nursing Care: State major nursing care considerations.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

E. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

  • Drug Uses: Discuss symptoms treated by muscle relaxants.
  • Drug Effects: Describe effects and classifications.
  • Nursing Process: Apply the nursing process for clients experiencing spasms.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

UNIT III: Drugs Used for Autonomic Nervous System Disorders

A. Adrenergic & Anti-Adrenergic Drugs

  • Receptor Effects: Differentiate effects of adrenergic receptor stimulation.
  • Drug Characteristics: List characteristics, indications, and adverse effects of adrenergic drugs.
  • Nursing Care: Discuss nursing care for adrenergic and anti-adrenergic drugs.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

B. Cholinergic & Anti-Cholinergic Drugs

  • Drug Characteristics: Discuss characteristics of cholinergic and anti-cholinergic drugs.
  • Nursing Care: Describe nursing care needs for clients using these medications.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

UNIT IV: Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular System

A. Cardiac Glycosides and Antiarrhythmic Drugs

  • Cardiac Function: Review effects of cardiac drugs.
  • Digoxin Use: Discuss therapeutic uses and toxicity.
  • Nursing Care: Explain nursing care related to digoxin.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

B. Anti-Anginal and Anti-Hypertensive Drugs

  • Drug Classes: Discuss drug classes for treating angina and hypertension.
  • Nursing Responsibilities: Describe nursing responsibilities for these medications.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

C. Thrombolytic Therapy

  • Drug Classifications: Discuss classifications and actions.
  • Nursing Responsibilities: Identify nursing responsibilities during therapy.

UNIT V: Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System

  • Drug Definitions: Define antihistamines, decongestants, antitussives, and expectorants.
  • Drug Groups: List drug groups for COPD and asthma.
  • Nursing Considerations: Discuss nursing considerations for these medications.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

A. Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs

  • Characteristics: Discuss characteristics and mechanisms of action.
  • Nursing Implications: Discuss nursing care for clients receiving anti-tubercular therapy.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

UNIT VI: Drugs Used in Ophthalmic/ENT Disorders

  • Ocular Structure: Review ocular anatomy affecting drug therapy.
  • Drug Categories: Discuss categories of drugs for ENT disorders.
  • Nursing Process: Apply nursing processes with clients using these medications.
  • Dosage Calculations: Calculate dosages accurately.

Book References

  1. Chrousos, G. P., & Margioris, A. N. (2001). Adrenocorticosteroids & adrenocortical antagonists.
  2. Clayton, B. D., & Stock, Y. N. (2001). Basic Pharmacology for Nurses (12th ed.). London: Mosby.
  3. McCuistion, L. E. G., & R. J. (2002a). Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System. In Real-World Nursing Survival Guide: Pharmacology. London: Saunders.
  4. McCuistion, L. E. G., & R. J. (2002b). Psychotherapeutic Agents in Drugs Affecting the Nervous System. In Real-World Nursing Survival Guide: Pharmacology. London: Saunders.
  5. Riens, B. S., & Evans, M. E. (2002). Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care (6th ed.). New York: Delmar.
  6. Shives, L. R. (2002). Basic Concepts of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
  7. Tracy, M. F., et al. (2003). Nurse attitudes towards the use of complementary and alternative therapies in critical care. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute & Critical Care, 32, 179-209.

This comprehensive overview of the Pharmacology I & II curriculum emphasizes the foundational knowledge and practical application necessary for nursing students to ensure safe and effective medication administration and patient care. Through a structured approach that incorporates theoretical understanding, clinical skills, and ethical considerations, students will be well-prepared to meet the challenges of pharmacological practice in their nursing careers.

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