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Research Ethics In Nursing Education

Nursing Research and Ethics In Nursing Education

What are Research Ethics,Need of Nursing Ethics In Nursing Research,History of Rights Violation In Research,Responsibilities of Nurses Educators.

What are Research Ethics

    Research ethics is the application of fundamental ethical principles to ensure that research is conducted in a morally acceptable and responsible manner. Ethical issues can arise at any time during the research process from the initial design of the study to data collection, analysis, and publication (Aita & Richer, 2005)

Need of Nursing Ethics In Nursing Research

    All health care workers practicing in a modern evidence based culture should have an appreciation of the ethics that underpin rigorous research (Bowater & Wilkinson, 2012) An understanding of research ethics is imperative for all practicing nurses and therefore should be explicitly included in modern nursing curricula. Students need to learn the background, theory, and skills associated with ethically acceptable research. Case studies and role-play are recommended teaching strategies for helping students actively participate in discussions based on applying ethics to complex human situations (Bowater & Wilkinson, 2012; Eisen & Berry, 2002).

History of Rights Violation In Research

    Violations of human rights by research in the 20th century emphasized the need for ethical standards that should be adhered to when conducting research (Aita & Richer, 2005). The Nuremberg Code (1947) highlighted issues of informed consent, freedom from coercion, and the assurance that there is an appropriate risk-benefit ratio for the participant. The Declaration of Helsinki (1964), and its subsequent amendments, was developed to address the ethical principles for medical research and included the issue of children and individuals who could not give voluntary consent. 

    The Belmont Report (1974) addressed the three fundamental principles underlying the acceptable conduct of research involving human participants: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. In present day research, the main ethical procedures that need to be adhered to in conducting research are informed consent, risk benefit assessments, confidentiality, anonymity, and data protection.Informed consent involves ensuring that participants are given adequate, clearly understandable information about the research and risk benefits involved in participation Participants must also be given the choice to consent voluntarily to participate in the research or decline participation without any consequences (Polit & Beck, 2006 ). 

    The five elements of informed consent are competence, disclosure, understanding, involuntariness and consent (Beauchamp & Childre 328/434 In nursing research, there are challenging this process in terms of protecting vulnerable groups. Examples of vulnerable groups include children, the elderly, and people with cognitive impairment. Research involving vulnerable participants must be conducted in a sensitive, ethical manner with fully awareness of the participants’ capacity and consent. Furthermore, when nursing research uses qualitative methodologies, there are implications for consent arising primarily from the problem and population being studied (Houghton, Casey, Shaw, & Murphy, 2010).

    Researchers may not be able to accurately predict the course of the research process from the outset, and may be required to negotiate and revise the research protocol for the duration of the study (Munhall, 1988).To adhere to the principle of beneficence, the risk-benefit ratio of participating in the research must be explained. The researcher is responsible for making it clear to the subject what potential harm may occur as a result of participation, as well as the potential benefits for the subject. Furthermore, the language of the risk-benefit ratio to the participant must be written at a level that can be understood. 

    For nurses engaging in research, they must consider the relationship they may have with participants (Orb, Eisenhauer, & Wynaden, 2001), and also their dual role as both nurse and researcher (Casey, 2004, Houghton et al., 2010 ).Issues of confidentiality and data protection are of the utmost importance in research ethics. In quantitative research, assurance of anonymity should be made, whereby even the researcher is not able to identify the participants in the study (Polit & Beck, 2006). 

    In qualitative research, even though the researcher knows the participant, anonymity is completely preserved Data protection refers to the storage, safekeeping, retention, destruction, or reuse of personal data in research. There are international and country-specific guidelines on how data should be stored securely and for how long It is imperative that researchers comply with these guidelines to safeguard the privacy of participants.

Responsibilities of Nurses Educators

    Educators in nursing need to ensure that students and qualified nurses are equipped to recognize and understand the ethical implications for health care. Nurse researchers need to be cognizant of the principles that guide ethical decisions in the research process. Understanding the specific implications for research with human participants, particularly vulnerable populations, and the differences between qualitative and quantitative research are essential. 

    Practicing nurses need to know how to ensure that patients are being treated in an ethical and respectful manner by researchers entering the clinical setting. Case studies and role play have been recognized as a potential strategy for developing ethical knowledge and skills. Furthermore, encouraging students to read and criticize research reports could be considered as a valuable means for assessing their understanding of ethics in nursing research.