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 Nursing Education and Health Professions Education

Health Professions Education In Nursing

Health Professions Education In Nursing Education,Professional Education and Patient Care,Professionalism In Health Education,Role of Nursing Faculty.

Health Professions
Education In Nursing Education

professions education is a team approach to preparing health professions from a
range of health care disciplines, including nursing. In health professions
education there is an emphasis on providing care through a team approach. The
team consists of varied health care professionals with the patient at the
center. Care is provided in an inter-professional environment, with an emphasis
on evidence based practice, quality improvement, and informatics.

Professional Education and Patient Care

the care delivery environment there has been an emphasis on family and patient
centered care, evidence based practice, and inter-professional collaboration.
This emphasis has evolved from the work done by the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
and various commissions developed to evaluate all aspects of the American and
global health care systems (Frenk, 2011; Greiner & Knebel, 2003). Within
this framework of care delivery, there is also an emphasis on interdependence
among the health professions in education and on trans-formative learning (Frenk,

    Trans formative learning is the process of effecting change in a frame of
reference (Cranton, 1994; Mezirow, 1991).
IOM committee on health professions education delineated five core competencies
that all clinicians should possess regardless of their discipline (Hundert.
Hafferty, & Christakis, 1996). These five core competencies are: 

provide patient-centered care

(b) work in inter-professional teams

evidence of employ based practice

(d) apply quality improvement

utilize informatics.

Professionalism In Health Education

is an emphasis on three key points when considering the education of the health

(a) the five core competencies defined by the IOM education summit

(b) a global outlook as it pertains to health care and education
(Frenk, 2011)

(c) trans-formative learning (Frenk, 2011)

patient centered care mates respect, cultural differences, and relief of pain
and suffering. Listening, informing, communicating educating, shared 1 decision
making, and wellness and disease prevention are the guideposts. Working in
inter-professional teams fosters cooperation, collaboration, and communication,
and integration of care ensures continuity and reliability. Employing
evidence based practice integrates research, clinical expertise and patient
values to provide the best care. 

    Applying quality improvement helps health care
professionals to identify errors, implement safety design principles, and
measure quality of care and outcomes that are patient and community centered.
Utilizing informatics helps to improve communication, increase knowledge,
prevent errors, and support decision making. Each discipline of the health
professions has unique contributions to make. Those contributions will be best
delivered when the professionals are in clinical settings that value
inter-professional care

Role of Nursing Faculty

are uniquely prepared to take care of patients, paying particular attention to
the patient and family as an entity. The education of nurses is centered on
knowing the cultural background, treating the patient as a whole being, and
navigating between nursing and medical diagnoses as well as promoting an
environment of health promotion and wellness. Nursing education now needs to
focus on collaboration and team building. Thus, nurses can assume a unique and
important role in the inter-professional management and care of patients and
families. Cranton, P. (1994) Understanding and promoting transformative
learning A guide for educators of adults. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.