Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education: England, Michigan, Australia, Korea, Canada, Thailand and South Africa

Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education

Explore scholarships, grants, and fellowships to support your academic and professional growth in nursing research. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education.

Higher Education Funding Council for England Improving

Standards in Postgraduate Research Degree Programs

The website details findings from a commission to identify indicators that could form the basis of threshold standards in research degree programs. Information on England, Scotland, and Wales are included. The summary is available online and more detailed sections are available for download. This information may be useful to those considering doctoral study and those who need to decide on a research area for their doctoral research.

International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing (INDIAN)

INDEN is a new professional organization of nurse educators and doctoral students from around the world interested in improving the health of all people through research and doctoral education. The website provides a wealth of information related to doctoral education in nursing and has an international perspective. Useful contact information and doctoral programs in the USA and worldwide are featured. Information is also provided on conferences that are sponsored by INDEN. INDEN is based at the University of Michigan School of Nursing.

International Transplant Nurses Society

Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education. The International Transplant Nurses Society is a worldwide professional nursing organization that represents all areas of transplantation. The goal of the organization is to support clinicians in meeting the ongoing clinical changes and challenges that transplant nurses tackle daily. Research grants in the amount of US$2500 are available and at least two are awarded each year. The website includes a downloadable grant application and information on previous grant recipients.

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development ( CNPq in Brazil)

This website is available in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The mission of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development is to promote and stimulate the scientific and technological development of the country and to contribute to the formulation of national science and technology policy. The agency is sponsored by the government and located in Brazil.

National Association of Theater Nurses

The National Association of Theater Nurses (NATN) is a professional organization for nurses who work in the operating room. The web page includes links to several research award opportunities, including: NATN 3M Clinical Fellowship, Regent Medical Award, Johnson & Johnson Medical/Ethicon Nurses Educational Trust, Awards of Merit, The Siobhan Rankin Award, and the Education and Research Fellowship Fund. The goal of the organization is to promote perioperative nursing and to advance nursing practice by encouraging the delivery of clinically effective perioperative care in any setting.

WKKellogg Foundation The mission of the W. K. Kellogg

Foundation is to help people help themselves through the practical application of knowledge and resources to improve their quality of life and that of future generations. In the ‘News’ section of this website one can find information on Community Health Scholars, a postdoctoral program in community-based participatory care. Applications for this program are due in early December. Other opportunities are frequently available through the WKKellogg Foundation, so interested individuals should check this website frequently.

Korean Research Foundation

Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education. From the home page, one should select either ‘English’ or ‘Korean’ to obtain information in the preferred language. The Activities’ section features a list of various opportunities that are available through the Korean Research Foundation. The foundation offers scholarship programs for Korean nurses as well as international students studying in Korea.

Korean Science and Engineering Foundation

The Korean Science and Engineering Foundation works to enhance the research capability for a prosperous future. The home page includes links to several research and funding opportunities, some of which may be useful for doctoral students in nursing. The ‘Program’ section lists some additional information.

Medical Research Council of South Africa

Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education. The goal of the Medical Research Council of South Africa is building a healthy nation through research. The ‘Funding opportunities’ section lists several opportunities that are currently available through the Medical Research Council of South Africa. Some funding is also available for travel grants.

Medical Research Council of the UK

The Medical Research Council (MRC) of the UK is a similar organization that is relevant to research in the UK. The ‘Call for proposals’ section includes information on several listings for various research grants. The ‘Studentships’ section includes information on applying for a studentship and specific priority areas. The mission of the MRC is to promote research in all areas of medical and related science with the aims of improving the health and quality of life in the UK. The MRC is taxpayer-funded. More information on funding can be obtained from the ‘Funding’ page of the website.

Michigan State University Library’s grants for individuals list—Nursing

The Michigan State University is a public, state-supported institution of higher learning. The web page includes a list of Michigan-based and more broad resources that are relevant to nursing. Links are provided to specific guidelines and brief information is included about the award or scholarship

Ministry of Education—Thailand

Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education. This website provides information on opportunities that may be of interest to nurses pursuing their doctoral degree. The Content on this website is in Thai. Graduate student support is available, although in most cases this is accessed through the university after the student has enrolled.

National Health and Medical Research Council Schemes (Australia)

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) schemes function to consolidate many research activities, including government, healthcare providers, teaching and research institutions, public and private corporations, and consumers. The NHMRC also functions to raise the standard of individual and public health throughout Australia, to foster development of consistent health standards between various states and health territories, and to foster medical research and training, including ethics.

The website provides information on palliative care graduate scholarships and extensive information on research review procedures. The ‘Scholarships’ section includes a link to an A–Z guide of multiple options for scholarships and research funding. Information is available for download via Portable Document Format (PDF).

National Heart Foundation postgraduate scholarships (non-medical) and fellowships tenable in Australia and overseas

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Australia. The National Heart Foundation (NHF) was established in 1958 to pursue new knowledge about the heart and its diseases and to disseminate that knowledge. The NHF funds research into the causes, prevention, treatment and diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and related disorders. The NHF invests about AUS$6 million into these programs each year. The section on ‘Program objectives’ provides detailed information on specific fellowships, scholarships and grants for aid and travel.

National Institute of Nursing Research

Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education. The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) is the funding source for nursing research at the national level in the USA. NINR is one of the institutes within the National Institutes of Health, the main funding agency of the US government for biomedical research. It offers several options for doctoral and postdoctoral funding for US citizens, both for study/training as well as for nursing research.

National League for Nursing

The National League for Nursing (NLN) provides funding for nursing education research based on priorities established by the organization. Proposals for funding are due each year in early March. In addition, through the Foundation for Nursing Education, the NLN administers scholarships for nurses pursuing graduate degrees with a focus on teaching.

National Multiple Sclerosis Society of Australia

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society of Australia offers project grants, postdoctoral fellowships, postgraduate research scholarships, seed grants and summer vacation scholarships. Detailed information on each of these options is provided on the website. Research/experiences must focus on multiple sclerosis.

National Nursing Centers Consortium—Americans for Nursing Shortage Relief For_Nursing_Shortage_Relief.htm

The purpose of the National Nursing Centers Consortium—Americans for Nursing Shortage Relief is to ensure quality healthcare in the USA by supporting nurse education and training and by building an adequate supply of nurses.

National Research Foundation—South Africa

The National Research Foundation of South Africa funds research relevant to the people of South Africa. The ‘Funding’ section lists multiple funding options and detailed guidelines for each. The ‘Student’ section lists two options for support: (i) free-standing bursaries, scholarships and fellowships, and (ii) grant holder-linked assistantships and bursaries. The website includes an informational guide to student support. The home page features additional useful information including databases, publications, discussion groups, events, rated researchers and links.

National Science Foundation

The mission of the National Science Foundation is to promote the progress of science; to advance national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense ; and other purposes. A variety of grant opportunities are available in the broad program areas of biology, computer and information sciences, crosscutting programs, education, engineering, geosciences, international, mathematics, physical sciences, polar, science statistics, and social and behavioral sciences. Detailed information on application procedures and requirements is available via the website.

New South Wales Health Professional Nursing Groups

The New South Wales Health Professional Nursing Groups offer several scholarship opportunities for nurses. The link provides information on the 12 different scholarships with contact information and brief criteria for application.

New South Wales Nurses’ Association

Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education. The New South Wales Nurses’ Association is the professional organization for nurses living in New South Wales, Australia. Several scholarship opportunities are available, including the ECTrust Scholarship, the Lions Nurses’ Scholarships, and the New South Wales Scholarships. The ECTrust Scholarship application is due on July 31 of each year. The Lions Nurses’ Scholarships category A and B are due on 30 November of each year. The New South Wales Nursing Scholarship Fund offers financial support for postgraduate study for registered nurses employed in the New South Wales public health system who undertake study at a New South Wales or other approved university.

Nurses Educational Funds

Nurses Educational Funds is a not-for-profit organization that provides funding for graduate education for BSN-prepared nurses who are US citizens. Funding decisions are made by a board. Application process and criteria are available via the website.

Nurses’ Registration Board of New South Wales, Research and Development Scholarships Category 5

On the home page, click on ‘Scholarships for nurses’ to find information on funding opportunities. Funds through the Nurses’ Registration Board of New South Wales are available for education, research and attendance at meetings.

Nursing Outlook Online, Knowledge development in nursing: our historical roots and future opportunities. S.R. Gortner (March/April 2000)

Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education. The link is to a full text article that discusses knowledge development in nursing from a historical perspective. Susan Gortner is a leading nurse expert in this area and Nursing Outlook is a respected publication. The article provides information that will likely be useful for nurses pursuing doctoral education in nursing.

Peterson’s Grants for Graduate and Post-Doctoral Study

Available at Peterson’s guide is a most useful resource to learn about grants that are available for graduate and postdoctoral study. This book is available for purchase online from or in other bookstores. It is a general reference guide and is not specific to nursing, but may be useful for nurses who are pursuing advanced education.

Queensland Cancer Foundation

The Queensland Cancer Foundation provides funding to various cancer related projects. On the home page, click on ‘research’ to find more information on the various opportunities. The overall aim of the organization is to reduce the impact of cancer—particularly the suffering it causes—and ultimately to eliminate the disease by raising funds to improve care through research. Thus, proposals submitted for funding to the Queensland Cancer Foundation should address this aim in some way.

Queensland Nursing Council

The Queensland Nursing Council offers several research grants and scholarships to nurses practicing in Queensland, Australia. The organization was founded in 1993 to regulate nursing practice in Queensland.

Re-envisioning the PhD Project

This project was started to provide a forum for all stakeholders in doctoral education for dialogue on the future of the PhD degree, and to take a fresh look at the degree with the goal of revitalizing it. It is interdisciplinary in nature; While it began as a dialogue within the USA, it has expanded to include other countries as well. For more information on this project see Chapter 4.

Rockefeller Foundation

The Rockefeller Foundation describes its mission as furthering the well-being of humanity throughout the world. It is a knowledge-based global foundation with a commitment to enrich and sustain the lives and livelihoods of poor and excluded people throughout the world. The home page lists several fellowship opportunities.

The section labeled ‘Programs’ details the different ‘themes’ that the foundation is interested in. These include creativity and culture, food security, health equality and working communities. The ‘Information for applicants’ section provides detailed information on application procedures and the long-term goals of the foundation, which should be the focus of the application.

Royal College of Nursing Australia

The Royal College of Nursing Australia is the professional organization for all nurses of Australia. Several scholarship opportunities are available. Detailed application instructions are provided on the website.

Royal College of Nursing Research and Development Coordinating Center—research funding

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is the professional nursing organization in the UK. The RCN Research and Development Co-ordinating Center oversees the research operations of the RCN. The link above goes directly to a comprehensive list of UK funding sources for research and scholarships. Where available, information is provided on requirements, due date, and any other relevant information needed to apply. The Research and Development Coordinating Center also provides numerous other resources to facilitate research in the UK and internationally.

Scholarships for study and research in the USA

The above web address links to a very comprehensive international list of funding sources for study in the USA. Requirements for the awards and due dates are provided when available.

Scottish Executive Fellowships for Nursing

The Scottish Executive Fellowships for Nursing were first introduced in 1999 by the Minister of Health and Community Care to encourage nurses, midwives, health visitors and multidisciplinary teams to develop innovative ideas to improve patient care in the National Health Service of Scotland. Awards may be used for travel, education or practice development. Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education.

The panel considers proposals in the following areas: supporting vulnerable people, health of children, women- centered maternity services, interventions with acutely ill patients, mental health and well-being, support of patients with chronic diseases, involving families in care, clinical leadership, clinical decision making, innovative use of technology in care delivery, and multidisciplinary/multi-agency approach to care. Fellowships are awarded annually.

Sigma Theta Tau, International

Sigma Theta Tau, International (STTI) is the worldwide honor society for nurses. STTI offers various research resources that may be useful to doctoral students in nursing. In addition, STTI also offers funding for small pilot studies. These opportunities have various due dates and requirements, which may be obtained from the website.

Society for Medical Anthropology

The Society for Medical Anthropology is a professional organization for anthropologists specializing in medical anthropology. The website includes a list of research funding links, some of which are relevant to nursing research. Detailed information can be obtained via the links.Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada provides various funding mechanisms for research. To find more information on the website, click on ‘Apply for funding.’ Information is included on programs for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, community and non-profit organizations, post-secondary institutions, and scholarly associations. Each of these opportunities has different criteria and due dates. These can be found on the web page for those who are interested in additional information.

State of São Paulo Research Foundation

The information on this website is available in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The home page features multiple scholarship opportunities, including at the Master’s, doctoral, and postdoctoral levels. Detailed instructions are provided for these awards. This organization is one of the main agencies in Brazil to foster scientific and technological research in the country.Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education.

The 2000 National Doctoral Program Survey (released 17 October, 2001)

This web page provides the results of a survey on doctoral education practices and characteristics of doctoral graduates that was conducted by the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students, USA. The organization was founded in 1986 and has provided doctoral students with relevant data since its inception. For the survey that is linked here, there were over 32,000 respondents. Specific sections of the results are divided into categories of interest, including recent PhDs. One can view results, discuss the survey online with others, and learn about the survey methodology. This project was funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education.

Transcultural Nursing Society’s list of scholarships and financial aid

Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education. The Transcultural Nursing Society is a professional organization for nurses who are interested in culturally competent nursing care. The organization offers a certification program through which one can become a certified transcultural nurse. The website features a resource page that includes information on scholarships from a variety of sources. The list is very comprehensive.

UK Department of Health Research Governance

Framework (United Kingdom) This web page includes information for England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland; it provides governmental links related to research. The website includes information on research priority areas, calls for proposals and other funding sources.

University of Michigan Horace H. Rackham Graduate School fellowships

Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education. The University of Michigan is a state-assisted institution of higher learning in the USA. This web link includes a variety of international fellowships for doctoral education. Some are local, but there are many that are available to international students.

Writing Your Dissertation: Invisible Rules for Success ( RS Brause )

Funding for Doctoral Study and Research In Nursing Education. Available at ( Writing Your Dissertation: Invisible Rules for Success is a useful book that provides general information on completing the dissertation process. The book is easy to read. Peterson’s guide is a most useful resource to learn about grants that are available for graduate and postdoctoral study. This book is available for purchase online from or in other bookstores. It is a general reference guide.

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