Old Age and End Life Care
End-of-Life Planning and Choices
(EOL) planning and decision-making (ie, choices) have been explored from myriad
perspectives: patient, family, or surrogate decision maker, professional
provider, informal or formal caregiver, health system costs, ethics and
morality, law and regulation, barriers and facilitators, consumer and
professional education needs, culture, sites of care, and organizational
Research represents virtually all health care clinical and
management domains and is widely published in peer-review journals.
The nursing
research surrounding decision-making capacity, life sustaining treatment
decisions, age and site-specific issues (eg, pediatrics, nursing homes),
clinical issues (eg, pain, change of condition), and ethical moral perspectives
on choices at the end of life, is presented here.
Health Care Perspectives
ethicists, and legal scholars agree that the decision to choose/appoint an other to make decisions for one in the event of loss of decision-making
capacity (ie, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care/ Health Care Proxy
[HCP] ) is less risky and requires less cognitive capacity than the creation of
a list of treatments desired and not desired at some point in the future
regarding unknown conditions (ie, Living Will).
There is scant research on how
nurses assess a patient’s decisional capacity to make choices about
life-sustaining treatments. Molloy et al. (1996) assessed individuals living in
nursing homes, retirement homes, and homes for the aged for their capacity to
create an advance directive (AD).
Five different measures of capacity were
used, including assessment by a specially trained nurse and by a geriatrician
independent of each other. The investigators determined that it was possible to
differentiate between those who could learn about and create an AD from those
who could not, using the Standardized Mini-Mental Status Examination (SMMSE).
Mezey, Teresi , Ramsey, Mitty, and Bobrowitz (2000) developed an instrument
(“Guidelines”) for determining if a nursing home (NH) resident had
the capacity sufficient to create a HCP, that is, to choose a surrogate health
care decision maker. The tool demonstrated criteria-related validity and
Data analysis indicated that many cognitively impaired residents
had this capacity. Mezey and colleagues suggest that the Guidelines are more
predictive than the MMSE in identifying such residents and could be used for
that circumscribed purpose.
Nursing Research on Dying Care
and Shannon’s (2000) descriptive study of nurse practitioners (NP) (n=145)
reported that most (but not all) NPs were knowledgeable about the legal
guidelines for EOL decision making but few included ACP as part of their
To address this, the researchers recommended that formal didactic
curricula and role modeling be included in NP education. Lehna (2001) devised
and tested a needs assessment for EOL education among NP students.
indicated that students were gaining knowledge, competence, and confidence from
practice rather than from theory and class discussion.
Goodwin, Kiehl , and
Peterson (2002) suggest that primary care nurse practitioners should use King’s
“interacting systems” or transaction model, and goal achievement
theory, to facilitate advance care planning.
This approach has not been tested
although the authors suggest that it would be good only for RNs and NPs who
wanted to actively address.
issues using a nursing model. For family members of NH residents, decisions
about EOL care are easier when staff listen to family’s fears and concerns,
engage them in ACP well before a crisis or terminal event, and provide relevant
information (eg, what antibiotics can and cannot do) (Wilson , SA, & Daley,
Qualitative analysis of the investigator-designed interview revealed
that staff caring behaviors, family participation in decision making prior to
death, knowledge of what the dying process looked like and how long it might
take, being present at the time of death, and receiving spiritual support Were
important for family members making difficult choices.
In a review of the
research literature about the EOL care provided in NHS and assisted living
residences (ALRS), Cartwright (2002) concluded that staff and family differ
about the kind and quality of EOL care in these settings.
Hospice Care
care can be provided in ALRS in virtually all states, but the availability of
skilled nursing care and oversight is extremely variable (Mitty, 2003). Thus,
an older person choosing to remain in an ALR, that is, to age in place and die
there, may have to use additional private funds to access the kind of care
needed at the end of life.
Few states require that ALR residents or staff be
educated about ADs but many ALRS want residents to have made a decision about
CPR at the time of admission. Most NHS provide “hospice like” care or
have a contract with a hospice provider and all NHS must educate staff and
residents about ADs.
Some NHS and most ALR for a variety of reasons-transfer
dying residents to the hospital.
Self Care Deficit Model
self-care deficit model was used to elicit factors associated with the option
for patients with terminal cancer to die at home ( Grov , 1999). Self-care
deficit of patient and caregiver, availability of nurses and other supports,
and resources were key factors in maintaining patient autonomy.
The nurse was
instrumental in identifying and facilitating patient’s choices regarding
self-care deficit and symptom relief. Ladd, Pasquarelli, and Smith (2000) used
case based analysis to describe and discuss ethical and legal issues that arise
in nursing care of patients dying at home.
The authors suggest that the
nurse patient relationship in a home care setting is different, richer, and
more nuanced than in the hospital setting. Dying at home means that the family
has to be prepared and the nurse has to try to anticipate their disagreement
with the patient’s AD wishes.
Ladd et al. I propose a holistic assessment that
includes assessment of the patient’s decisional authority and relationship with
significant others. They also recommend that the nurse work with the patient to
define the role of each family member in decision making-with and for the
Legal Aspects of Life Sustaining Care
legal scholars and ethicists hold that there is no difference, ethically or
legally, between withholding or withdrawing a life-sustaining treatment (LST).
To study the decision makers involved in withdrawing or withholding LSTs,
Reckling (1997) directly observed and interviewed family members (n=16) and
professional staff (n=29) of 10 ICU patients.
Some items from the Social
Context Survey were used to measure attitude toward withdrawing and withholding
LSTs. Three basic decision-making roles were identified: advocate (to
withhold/withdraw LST), neutral party (will go with any position), and resistor
(to withdraw/withhold LSTs).
Interrater agreement is reported with regard to
the assigned role. More healthcare professionals were advocates than resistors;
more family members were resistors than advocates. Nurses were the only
professionals who assumed a neutral role.
Among Reckling’s findings was the
feeling that those who made the decision to withdraw a LST did not always carry
it out; This often fell to nurses who carried out the action but claimed no
responsibility for its consequences.
Some respondents felt that it was
permissible to withhold a LST but were resistant to withdrawal. Factors associated
with advocacy included poor prognosis, patient discomfort, attention to scare
resources, and the patient’s known preferences.
Factors associated with
neutrality or resistance were constraints on practice, fear of legal liability,
and distrust. Rackling also suggests that situational factors and or
generational culture may have influenced nurses’ passive role-taking.
Kluger, Maislin , and Mittelman (1996) described the decisions made by spouses
(50) of patients with Alzheimer’s disease to consent to or to forgo LSTs.
Presented with two conditions-critical illness and irreversible coma spouses
were asked to rate their agreement with, certainty of, and comfort with four
LSTS: CPR, ventilator, feeding tube, and antibiotics.
In the face of critical illness,
almost equal numbers of spouses would consent to or forgo CPR and a breathing
machine; far fewer (n=5) would forgo antibiotics. Among 50 spouses, 5 chose to
forgo all LSTS.
In the face of irreversible coma, spouses were more likely to
forgo all LSTS and were more certain and comfortable with their decision.
Spouses experiencing high burden were more likely to consent to treatment. Few
spouses appeared to be acting under the substituted judgment standard of
decision making.
Limitation to Nursing Research
general, there are many limitations to the research regarding EOL planning and
choices. Many of the studies we reviewed were based on small and uncontrolled
Design weakness can generate misleading and unrepresentative findings.
Several studies discussed in this chapter suggest future research that would
vary with regard to site, subject, design and methods, questions to be
addressed, or interventions to be tested.
Baggs and Mick (2000) suggest that
collaboration among health care providers, patients, and families could be an
effective approach to ACP, given that such collaborative models have support
value in community based care delivery to elders.
SA Norton and Talerico’s
(2000) strategies to facilitate EOL decision making include guidelines for
communication, such as, clarifying goals and burdens of treatments, and using
words such as “death” and “dying” in discussions with
patients and families. They suggest assessing patient and family understanding
and information needs.
Yet, culture studies advise caution in using the
“d” words: How should one proceed? Which nursing model, if any, can
best guide the nursing strategy? Bosek , Lowry, Lindeman, Barck , and Gwyther
(2003) outline several recommendations to promote a positive death experience
that include professional as well as patient and family education about the
physiological dying