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 Effect of Mentoring In nursing Education

Concept of Mentoring In Nursing Education

Impact of Mentoring In Nursing Education,Mentoring In Nursing Education,What Is Mentoring Mentoring.

What Is Mentoring Mentoring

    Mentoring is a process by which guidance is provided by a more-experienced person to a less-experienced person with the goal of having the less-experienced person develop competencies. Vance and Olson (1998) define mentoring as a “developmental, empowering, and nurturing relationship extending over time in which mutual sharing, learning, and growth occur in an atmosphere of respect, collegiality and affirmation” (p. 5). Mentoring can be formal or informal. Mentoring can be with an individual or groups of individuals.

Mentoring In Nursing Education

    Mentoring in nursing education takes place between many different types and levels of individuals or groups. It can help to facilitate relationships and interactions among faculty, and assist faculty members on the path to tenure. Mentoring is an influential factor in retaining new faculty members as it provides them with support and guidance. It may help to increase job satisfaction and reduce the stress associated with teaching and an academic career. 

    Mentoring may help the mentee to develop new skills related to teaching, research, leadership, and scholarship. Mentoring may be formal or informal, but must be performed with the intention to ensure success. New faculty members in education can benefit from the experience of other educators in nursing through formal programs established by their schools of nursing. In two studies, researchers described results of focus groups with novice and expert nursing educators in a formal mentoring program developed for novice faculty (White, Brannan, & Wilson, 2010; Wilson, Brannan, & White, 2010). 

    The program included two off-campus retreats and four all day workshops, a significant investment of dedicated time. Each mentee was assigned a formal mentor, and biweekly contact between the mentor and mentee was encouraged. Mentees had positive feedback and included guidance and support, journaling, and openness in communication among their perceived benefits (White et al., 2010). The mentors were positive about the significance of the relationship and the communication with the mentees (Wilson et al. 2010). However, they felt they lacked the time to engage in meaningful activities with the mentees, and felt there was potential for a power imbalance (Wilson et al., 2010),Mentoring has been identified as a critical attribute for faculty success and leadership development. Many professional organizations had developed resources to support mentorship initiatives. 

    The National League for Nursing (NLN, 2008), which is dedicated to excellence in nursing education, has created the Mentoring of Nursing Faculty Tool Kit to promote mentoring among nursing faculty. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) recognizes the importance of mentoring as evidenced by their creation of the New Dean Mentoring Program that links an experienced AACN-member dean to a member who is new to the role (AACN, nd ) . Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), the honor society of nursing, is dedicated to mentoring and has developed a Center of Excellence in Nursing Education with dedicated programs for nursing faculty leadership and mentoring (STTL nd ) .

Impact of Mentoring In Nursing Education

    The concept of mentoring became more visible in nursing education literature in the 1980s when mentoring was focused on clinical education. For the past few decades, an increased focus on mentoring worldwide. has occurred, spurred on by the shortage of skilled health care professionals and nursing educators ( Seekoe , 2013). Eller, Lev, and Feurer (2014) in a qualitative study identified key components of an effective mentoring relationship at 12 US universities with 117 mentor-mentee dyads attending 12 workshops. The key components included open communication, goals, passion and inspiration, role modeling, and mutual respect and trust (Eller et al. 2014). 

    The components of the mentoring process and the relationship between the mentor and mentee as listed by Zachary (2009) include reciprocity, collaboration , partnership, mutually defined goals, learning, and development for both mentor and mentee. New mentoring models are emerging that include multiple mentors, junior partners reciprocally mentoring the senior individual, and peer-mentoring networks. These new models are all products of the classic mentor mentee relationship. The thought is that those who have benefited from a good mentoring relationship are those who are “well balanced with personal and work issues as well as successful in their professional careers” (Grossman, 2013, p. 23).

    As academia experiences shortages of nursing faculty, the importance of mentoring programs becomes vital. The development of best practice programs can help new faculty to be successful in their role (Nick et al., 2012). For student mentoring, adequate resources, education, and preparation of mentors are needed if transition from student to professional nursing is to occur. Interdisciplinary/ interprofessional teams, as reported in Teaching 10M ( Finkelman & Kenner, 2012), are required as patient centered care needs to continue to be collaborative and collegial. The mentoring of students and nurses is essential so that gaining the knowledge and experience with working on teams is clear and realistic.

    Research recommendations include further investigation of peer mentoring, as well as identification of different forms of mentoring to meet specific learning needs as well as needs of diverse faculty and students A culture of mentoring needs to be developed in nursing, a collaborative network that nurtures partnering with others (Grossman, 2013). Nurses have a professional responsibility to provide mentoring to their students and colleagues. Inexperienced nurses need to be mentored by those nursing leaders who are interested in the development of future leaders in nursing