Use of Power and Leadership in Health Care

Leadership in Health Care

Leader Ship and Use of Power in Health Care: Use of power in leadership and power is a part of healthcare management system. Image and use of power in nursing.

Power And Leadership

Leader Ship and Use of Power in Health Care: True power, principled power, is based on honor, respect, loyalty and commitment. Principle-centered power is a model consistent with nursing values. Originally conceived by Stephen Covey (1991), the model is increasingly being used by executives in many fields (Ikeda, 2015). Shared power arises naturally when power is centered on one’s values and principles. In fact, the notion that power is shared seems to contradict the common belief that power is something to be accumulated, protected, and used for one’s own ends.

Leadership comes from the ability to proactively influence people because people trust and respect that the leader is doing the right thing for the right reason. As healthcare leaders, nurses need to understand and select behaviors that activate principle-centered leadership

  • Get to know the people. Understanding what other people want is not always easy. be open Keep others informed. Trust, honor and respect abound, as do actions, suspicion and deceit. Know your values and vision. The goals are the power to choose is the right use of power.
  • Sharpen your interpersonal skills. Listening to others with full attention and learning to express your ideas well. Use your power to help others. Be aware of power dynamics and pay attention to ground rules such as: B. Encouraging dissenting voices and respecting differences of opinion.

Expand your sphere of influence and connection. Power sometimes comes from another person’s need.

By Power How Managers and Leaders Get Things Done

Leader Ship and Use of Power in Health Care: Traditionally, managers have relied on authority to encourage employees to complete tasks and achieve goals. In modern healthcare organizations, managers use persuasion, temptation, and inspiration to mobilize the energy and talent of a work group and to overcome resistance to change.

A leader’s use of power changes attitudes and behaviors by responding to individual needs and motivations. There are seven commonly accepted types of interpersonal power used in organizations to influence others (Hersey, 2013):

  1. The power of reward is based on the incentives the manager can offer to group members in exchange for collaboration and contributions that further the manager’s goals. The degree of fulfillment depends on how much the follower appreciates the expected benefit. For example, a manager may grant a nurse paid educational leave to reward a salaried nurse who has agreed to work overtime. Reward power is often used in the context of a manager’s formal job responsibilities.
  2. Coercion is based on the sanctions that a manager can impose on an individual or group. The motivation for fulfillment stems from the fear of punishment (coercion) or the withholding of rewards. For example, the lead nurse may issue unwanted work assignments, issue a formal reprimand, or recommend the termination of a nurse who is disruptive.
  3. Legitimate power derives from the manager’s right to propose because of the authority associated with position and rank in an organizational hierarchy. Followers agree because they accept a manager’s prerogative to impose requirements, sanctions, and rewards consistent with the organization’s mission and goals. For example, salaried nurses follow orders from a nursing manager to take unpaid time off when workloads fall below projected levels. because they know that the manager is responsible for keeping unit costs within budget
  4. The power of experts is based on possessing unique skills, knowledge and competencies Nurse managers, due to their experience and advanced training, are often the most qualified to determine what to do in a given situation. Workers are being inspired to comply because they respect the manager’s expertise. Expert power refers to the development of personal skills through education and experience. Newly graduated nurses can ask the nurse manager for advice on learning clinical procedures or resolving conflicts with colleagues or other health professionals.
  5. Referral power is based on admiration and respect for a person. The followers agree because they like and identify with the manager. Referral power relates to the manager’s likeability and success. For example, a recent graduate may seek career planning advice from a more experienced and respected nurse.
  1. The power of information is based on access to valuable data. The followers agree because they want the information for their own needs. The power of information depends on a manager’s organizational position, connections, and communication skills. For example, the nursing manager is often privy to information about upcoming organizational changes that will affect the employment status of employees. A nursing manager can wield the power of information by sharing important information at staff meetings, thereby improving attendance.
  2. Bonding power is based on a person’s formal and informal ties to important or respected people inside and outside a field or organization. Followers agree because they want to associate with influencers. The strength of the connection is also related to the status and visibility of the individual. For example, if a nursing supervisor is a neighbor of an organization’s board member, adherents may believe that the connection will protect or improve their employment status.

Managers have both personal and positional power. The power of the position is determined by the job description, assigned responsibilities, recognition, promotion, authority, the ability to retain money and make decisions. Legitimate, coercive, and rewarding power are positional because they relate to the “right” to influence others based on rank or role. The extent to which managers assign rewards and punishments is often dictated by company policy.

Expert, Speaker, Information, and Connection strengths are largely based on personal characteristics. Personal power relates to credibility, reputation, knowledge, experience, control over resources or information, and the ability to build trust. The extent to which one can exercise expert, referral, information, and liaison power is related to personal skills and positive interpersonal relationships, as well as employee needs and motivations. Guidelines for managing electricity.

Use The Power

Leader Ship and Use of Power in Health Care: Despite the increased pride and self-esteem that accompanies the use of power and attack, some caregivers still find power unattractive. Empowerment, the traditionally accepted means of relating power to self-interest and us, is how nurses often think about power. Rather, caregivers tend to be more comfortable with shared power and empowerment: power “with” rather than power “over” others.

Image As Power

Leader Ship and Use of Power in Health Care: An important source of power for nurses is a power image. Even if one does not derive actual power from other sources, the perception of others that one is powerful confers a measure of power. The same applies to the profession. When the public sees the nursing profession as powerful, it improves the profession’s ability to achieve its goals and agendas.

Images are created through interactions and communication with others. When nurses present themselves as compassionate and caring health professionals through their interactions and communications with the public, a strong and beneficial image develops for both the individual nurse and the profession. Nurses, as ambassadors of care, need to understand the importance and benefits of positive therapeutic communication and image. Developing a positive image of power is important for both the individual and the profession. Individual caregivers can promote a power image through a variety of means, such as e.g.:

  1. If you introduce yourself appropriately by saying your name, making eye contact, and shaking hands, you can immediately establish yourself as a powerful person. If the nursing staff at the doctor Dr. Smith by her first name, unless the doctor also uses her first name, they have immediately created an unequal power relationship. Although women are not socialized to initiate handshakes, it is a power strategy in male-dominated circles, including health organizations. In Western cultures, eye contact conveys a sense of trust and connection with the person you are speaking to. These seemingly insignificant behaviors can have a major impact on the caregiver’s perception of competence and power.
  2. Clothing can symbolize power and success (Sullivan, 2013). Although nurses may believe that they are constrained in their dress choices by uniform codes, it is actually the presentation of the uniform that can be the key to power. For example, a nursing manager needs a strong image towards both the station staff and the administrators and other professionals who set company policy. A smart nurse might wear a suit instead of a uniform on the day of a high-level interdisciplinary committee meeting. Certainly, attention to detail in the preparation and selection of uniforms can also enhance the power of the nurse.
  3. Instilling a positive and energetic attitude sends the message that you are a “doer” and someone you can reach out to on important issues. Chronic ailments convey a sense of helplessness, while problem-solving and optimism foster an “I can” attitude that suggests power and instills trust in others.
  4. Pay attention to how you speak and how you act while speaking. Nonverbal signs and signs say more about you than words. Stand tall and move briskly. Speak in a steady rhythm and pronounce the words clearly. Your words should be matched to your body language and a link is shown between them.
  5. Use facts and figures when you need to prove your point. Policy changes often evolve from data presented in a compelling story. Positioning yourself as a power player requires the ability to collect and analyze data. The technology makes data recovery easy. Remember that power is a matter of perception: so you must use all available data to support your judgement.
  6. Knowing when to be in the right place at the right time is critical to gaining access to key personnel in the organization. This means being invited to events, meetings and parties that aren’t necessarily designed for caregivers. It means a seat at the political table is required when making decisions that affect staffing and patient care. Influence is most effective when it is based on personal relationships and when people see others personally: “If they cannot see you, they cannot ask you for the necessary information, analysis and alternative recommendations. Make yourself visible. Be available.”. Offer participation”. It can be invaluable in providing information to policymakers, interpreting data and educating them about the nursing side of healthcare.
  7. When dealing with people outside the scope of care, it is important to create strong partnerships. Learn to share both the credit and the blame. If you are working on community projects, use me instead and be clear about what is needed. If something isn’t working right, say so. Never accept another person’s opinion as fact. Facts can easily be manipulated to suit one’s agenda. Learn to research and obtain additional information. Don’t assume you have all the information. Beware of spam comments. Don’t be afraid to express strong criticism, but always put criticism in context. If necessary, give a compliment before criticizing something. Also, make sure your partners are willing to listen to all sides of the issue. It never hurts to ask, “Now do you want to talk about this and that?” Once a topic is decided, really decided, don’t bring it up again.
  8. Make sure you know the important people in your sphere of influence. Become part of the power network to bring your name to mind when discussing or finding people for important leadership positions. Be careful when dealing with the elderly. Know who has the power, identify the main intermediaries of power. The more contact you have with electricity brokers, the more support you can generate in the future if needed. Develop a strategy to access power brokers by joining alliances and coalitions. The more electricity you use, the more you get. Learn how to survey others and how to become part of the organizational infrastructure.
  1. It is an art to determine when, what and how much information is exchanged and communicated, and by whom. Powerful people have a keen sense of time. Make sure you are in the right place at the right time. Any strategy requires a lot of energy and effort. Direct influence and effort on issues of highest priority or when the greatest benefit is likely to result
  2. Use power appropriately to promote consensus on organizational goals, develop common means to achieve those goals, and foster a shared culture to unite organizational members. As health care providers closest to the patient, nurses know best what patients need and want. In the hospital nurses they are present from the first contact with the patient and afterwards 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the clinic, the nurse may be the person the patient sees first and most often. By capitalizing on the special relationship nurses have with patients, they can enhance their position and image as professional nurses (see Leadership at the Bedside: Power and Influence).

Nursing as a profession must market its professional expertise and ability to achieve the goals of healthcare organizations. From a marketing perspective, the goal of nursing is to ensure that specific markets (e.g., patients, physicians, other healthcare professionals, members of the community) have a clear understanding of what nursing is, what it does, and what it is about. make. Nursing is understood as a profession based on scientific knowledge that provides competent care.

Nursing is often viewed as an indicator of the overall quality of an organization. Regardless of the setting, quality care is desired and valued. By understanding patients’ needs and preferences for programs that promote well-being and maintain and restore health, nurses can demonstrate how their work fits with the goals of prevention. Marketing an experience image coupled with quality and cost can position care strongly and competitively in the new healthcare market.

Leader Ship and Use of Power in Health Care: Proper Use of Energy

The use of power not only influences current events, but also has a lasting effect on your relationships. Therefore, it is best to use the least amount of energy required to achieve your goals. Also, use the power appropriate to the situation (Sullivan, 2013). Table 8-2 lists the rules for using the Force.

Future Interactions. Or vice versa: A positive experience brightens the mood and affects the next meeting. When you feel good, you work more effectively.

Emotional intelligence has been linked to leadership (Antonakis, Ashkanasy & Dasborough, 2009; Cote, Lopes, Salovey & Miners, 2010). However, one study found no association between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership (Lindebaum & Cartwright, 2010).

Nurses, with their sophisticated skills as compassionate caregivers, are well suited to this direction in leadership that emphasizes emotions and relationships with others as a key attribute of success. These skills also fit better with more contemporary relational theories. Therefore, the workplace is a more complex and complicated environment than previously thought.

Healthcare requires innovation in healthcare and therefore innovative approaches to leadership. Quantum, transactional, transformational, shared, service, and emotional leadership constitute a new generation of leadership styles that have emerged in response to the need to humanize work environments and improve organizational performance. In practice, leaders draw on a variety of styles selected from different leadership theories.

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