Types or Kinds of Research

Types or Kinds of Research  A Comprehensive Approach to Understand all Types of Research in Single Reading

Types or Kinds of research in nursing quantitative qualitative experimental nonexperimental Pure Applied true experimental nonexperimental all types of research.

Kind / Types of Research in Nursing

1. Pure or Theoretical Research /Fundamental Research

(Acquisition of Knowledge Applicability Not Considered)

This type of research has as its main objective the acquisition of knowledge of various kinds without considering the applicability of the knowledge acquired. Thanks to the knowledge gained from this, other types of research may or may not be established. For example, in pure mathematics research, it is normal not to worry about the ease with which the conclusions can be applied.

2. Applied Research

(Focuses on Finding Mechanisms or Strategies to Achieve a Certain)

It’s a type of research that focuses on finding mechanisms or strategies to achieve a certain goal, like curing a disease or getting an item or something that can be useful. Therefore, the type of field to which it is applied is very specific and well delimited. Since it is not about explaining the most diverse situations, but rather trying to address a specific problem. Depending on the degree of deepening in the examination object The research can be carried out in different ways and be in-depth in their way.

3. Exploratory Research

(Focuses on The Analysis and Study of Concrete Aspects of Reality)

This type of research focuses on the analysis and study of concrete aspects of reality that have not yet been analyzed in depth. Basically, it is an exploration or a first approach that allows subsequent investigations to be directed toward an analysis of the subject being treated. Due to its nature, this type of research does not start from very detailed theories. But looks for meaningful patterns in the data that must be analyzed in order to create the first full explanations of what is happening from these results.

4. Descriptive

(Create the Most Complete Possible Description Without Looking for Causes or Consequences)

In the Types or Kinds of research. The sole aim of this type of research is to create the most complete possible description of a phenomenon, situation or concrete element, without looking for causes or consequences of it. It measures the properties and observes the configuration and the processes that make up the phenomena without sacrificing their value. In many cases, this type of research does not even ask about the causality of the phenomena (i.e., why “what happens is observed”). It’s simply about getting an insightful picture of the state of the situation.

5. Explanation

(Used to Determine the Causes and Consequences)

It is one of the most common types of research that science focuses on. This type of research is used to determine the causes and consequences of a specific phenomenon. Not only what is sought, but also why things and how they got to the state in question. Various methods can be used for this, such as the observational, correlational, or experimental method. Its purpose is to present explanatory /Detailed models/presentation in which cause-effect of sequences of events is identified , although these do not have to be linear (usually these are very complex Mechanisms of causality involving many variables).Depending on the type of data used.

6. Qualitative

(Obtaining Data That Are Inherently Un-Quantifiable Based on Observation)

In the Types or Kinds of research. Qualitative research is understood as that which is based on obtaining data that are inherently un-quantifiable based on observation. However, the data obtained from these investigations can subsequently be operationalized in order to be analyzed, making the explanation of the studied phenomenon more complete.

7. Quantitative

(Study and Analysis of Reality Through Different Methods Based On Measurement)

In the Types or Kinds of research. Quantitative research is based on the study and analysis of reality through different methods based on measurement. It allows a higher level of control and inference than other types of research, since experiments can be conducted and contrasting explanations of hypotheses can be obtained. The results of these investigations are based on statistics and can be generalized. According to the degree of manipulation of the variable. We can find different types of investigations depending on whether the data obtained start from a higher or lower level of manipulation of variables.

8. Experimental Research

(Manipulating Variables Under Tightly Controlled Conditions)

In the Types or Kinds of research. This type of research is based on manipulating variables under tightly controlled conditions to replicate a specific phenomenon and observe the extent to which the variable(s) involved have a specific effect. The data are obtained from randomized samples so that the sample from which they are obtained is assumed to be representative of reality. It allows to set up different hypotheses and to compare them with a scientific method.

9. Quasi Experimental

(Similar to Experimental Research E Difference That Complete Control Is Not Available)

Quasi-experimental research is similar to experimental research in that it intends to manipulate one or more specific variables, with the difference that complete control is not available over all aspects related to the type of sample presented to the experiment, for example will.

10. Not Experimental

(Fundamentally Based on Observation. It Does Not Control the Various Variables)

In the Types or Kinds of research. This type of research is fundamentally based on observation. It does not control the various variables that are part of a particular situation or event. Depending on the type of inference Another type of classification can be extracted from the method used when determining how reality works.

11. Method of Deduction

(Based on Examining Reality And Seeking Verification Or Falsification Of Some Basic Assumption)

In the Types or Kinds of research. This type of research is based on examining reality and seeking verification or falsification of some basic assumptions. According to common law, it is assumed to occur in a specific situation.

12. Inductive Method

(Based on Conclusions from The Observation of Facts)

The investigation according to the inductive method is based on conclusions from the observation of facts. Observation and analysis allow us to draw more or less accurate conclusions, but do not allow generalizations or predictions.

13. Hypothetic Deductive Method

(Considered Truly Scientific. It Is Based on The Generation of Hypotheses Based on Facts Observed by Induction)

This type of research is considered truly scientific. It is based on the generation of hypotheses based on facts observed by induction, hypotheses, which in turn generate theories. That must be verified and falsified by experiments. According to the temporary period in which it runs. Depending on the type of monitoring of the variables that is being performed, two types of investigations can be found.


(Characterized by Following the Same Themes Or Processes Over A Period Of Time)

In the Types or Kinds of research. Longitudinal research is a type of research characterized by following the same themes or processes over a period of time. It allows to see the evolution of the observed characteristics and variables.

15. Cross

(On Comparing Certain Characteristics or Situations In Different Subjects At A Given Time): 

In the Types or Kinds of research. This type of research focuses on comparing certain characteristics or situations in different subjects at a given time. All subjects having the same temporarily. Objective Description of Each type of Research.

Read More: https://nurseseducator.com/research-designs-or-study-designs-in-nursing-research/

Types of Research in Single Reading Types of Research in Single Reading Types of Research in Single Reading Types of Research in Single Reading Types of Research in Single Reading Types of Research in Single Reading Types of Research in Single Reading Types of Research in Single Reading Types of Research in Single Reading Types of Research in Single Reading Types of Research in Single Reading Types of Research in Single Reading

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