Development of Public Policy In Nursing Education

Public Policy In Nursing Education What Is Public Policy?

Public policy encompasses the deliberate and goal-oriented decisions made by official policy makers at local, state, and federal levels to address issues that impact the general welfare of the public. These policies are designed to regulate, guide, or influence various aspects of societal functioning, including healthcare, education, and economic development. In essence, public policy reflects the collective goals and values of a society as expressed through legislation, regulations, and administrative actions.

Public Policy in the Health Care System

Public policy plays a pivotal role in shaping the health care system. It encompasses a range of activities, from the formulation of health care laws and regulations to the allocation of resources and funding. The increasing complexity of the health care environment has made it imperative for nursing education to incorporate a strong understanding of public policy.

The Role of Nurses as Policy Advocates

Historically, the integration of public policy into nursing curricula has been considered supplementary. However, with the evolving landscape of healthcare and the growing recognition of nurses as critical stakeholders, understanding health policy is now seen as an essential component of nursing education. Nurses are increasingly called upon to be advocates for policy changes that impact patient care and the nursing profession.

Teaching methods in nursing education now emphasize the need for students to develop both the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in policy advocacy. This includes understanding how governments are structured, the processes involved in enacting public policies, and how to effectively contribute to policy discussions.

Frameworks for Teaching Public Policy

Effective teaching of public policy in nursing education involves structured frameworks that encompass information presentation, learning activities, and evaluation. For instance, a comprehensive framework might include:

  • Presentation of Information: Utilizing learning modules, reading assignments, web resources, slide presentations, and interactive technologies to convey fundamental concepts of public policy. This might also include videos and other media to enhance understanding.
  • Learning Activities: These should cater to diverse learning styles and encourage active engagement. Activities such as role-playing, debates, and case studies allow students to explore the implications of different policies. An example is the “Talking Points Memo,” where students write and present memos on specific health policies, analyzing their consequences for healthcare consumers and nursing practice.
  • Interpersonal Interactions: Facilitating student-to-student and student-to-faculty interactions is crucial. Discussions in class or virtual forums can help broaden perspectives and deepen understanding.
  • Experiential Learning: Participation in events like state Nurses’ Day at the Capitol provides practical experience in policy advocacy. These events offer students and practicing nurses the opportunity to engage with policymakers and practice lobbying strategies.

The Need for Public Policy in Nursing Education

In the early 1990s, there was a growing recognition of the importance of incorporating public policy content into nursing curricula. This call for inclusion was supported by various nurse leaders and professional organizations, emphasizing the need for nurses to be educated about policy-making processes and their role as advocates.

Historical Perspectives and Current Realities

Milio (2002) highlighted the importance of policy-oriented courses in preparing nurses to influence health policies and improve health services. This vision has largely materialized, with public policy now considered a core element of nursing education at both baccalaureate and graduate levels. Despite this progress, evidence supporting best practices for integrating public policy content remains limited and somewhat dated.

Several studies have shown the effectiveness of incorporating public policy education into nursing programs. For example, research by Faulk and Ternus (2006) demonstrated that RN to BSN students showed increased awareness of policy processes and a greater understanding of their roles as advocates and change agents following a public policy course.

Current Literature and Future Directions

Recent literature continues to emphasize the importance of integrating political awareness into nursing education. Hahn (2010) and Maryland & Gonzalez (2012) underscore the need for nurses to enhance their political acumen to navigate community and legislative environments effectively. To support this, best educational practices must be continually explored to ensure that students and practicing nurses appreciate the value of public policy knowledge and develop their advocacy skills.

The Impact of Public Policy on Nursing Education

Public policy has a profound impact on nursing education, influencing various aspects of curriculum development, teaching methods, and student outcomes. Educators are tasked with preparing students to navigate the complex interplay between policy and practice, emphasizing the importance of understanding and engaging in the public policy process.

Innovative Teaching Methods

The integration of public policy into nursing education requires innovative teaching methods and strategies. As technology evolves, educators must leverage both traditional and digital tools to enhance learning. This includes using multimedia resources, interactive platforms, and virtual simulations to engage students in policy-related discussions and activities.

Focus on Learning Outcomes

While technology offers many benefits, the primary focus must remain on achieving educational outcomes rather than on the technology itself. Educators should seek input from colleagues and stakeholders to identify effective teaching strategies and resources. Professional nursing organizations often provide educator kits and guidelines to support the teaching of public policy.

Need for Research and Evidence-Based Practices

To improve the integration of public policy into nursing education, research is needed to identify the most effective methods for incorporating this content into curricula. Future research should focus on:

  • Best Methods for Integration: Identifying effective strategies for teaching public policy and evaluating their impact on student learning and professional development.
  • Evidence-Based Innovations: Supporting research initiatives that explore new and effective teaching methods for public policy education in nursing.
  • Impact Assessment: Assessing the impact of public policy education on nursing practice and its role in shaping healthcare delivery and outcomes.


Public policy is a critical area of focus in nursing education, reflecting its importance in shaping healthcare systems and the role of nurses as policy advocates. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, it is essential for nursing education to adapt and integrate public policy content effectively. By employing innovative teaching methods, leveraging technology, and conducting research, nursing educators can enhance students’ understanding of public policy and prepare them to contribute meaningfully to the policy-making process.

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