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Nursing Education & Course Evaluation and Evaluation of Support Course

Course Evaluation and Evaluation of Support Course in Nursing Education

Course Evaluation in Nursing Education

Course In Nursing Education Individual courses are reviewed to determine whether they have met the tests of internal consistency, linear congruence, and vertical organization. A triangulation approach to course evaluation is useful. This approach uses data from three sources—faculty, students, and materials review—to identify strengths and areas for change.

Each course is evaluated to determine whether content elements, learning activities, assessment measures, and learner outcomes are consistent with the objectives of the course and the obligations of the course in terms of its placement in the total curriculum.

Faculty should clearly articulate the sequential levels of each expected ability to determine what teaching and learning strategies are needed to move the student to progressive levels of ability and to establish the criteria for determining that each stage of development has been achieved.

This need is important in relation not only to abilities or competencies specific to the discipline or major but also to the transferable skills acquired in the general education component of the curriculum (Merritt et al., 2012). Some faculty achieve this by creating content maps for each major thread or pervasive strand in the curriculum with related knowledge and skill elements.

The content maps chart the responsibility of each course in facilitating student progression to the expected program outcome. The maps also provide a guide for the evaluation of whether the elements were incorporated as planned and not repeated unnecessarily. Many tools are available to help with evaluation of teaching learning strategies.

Content and curriculum mapping, as discussed under “Curriculum Evaluation” earlier in this topic is useful to determine content evaluation and course consistency. The meeting of course outcomes is also essential to course evaluation.