Ego Defense Mechanisms and Mental Health Nursing

Nursing Profession and Ego Defense Mechanism

Ego Defense Mechanisms and Mental Health Nursing: Ego defense mechanisms proposed by Sigmund Freud after developmental stages. These mechanisms are Denial, Repression Projection, Displacement, Regression, Sublimation, Rationalization, and Reaction Formation. In the View Psychologists Ego Defense Mechanisms and Mental Health Nursing: Freud believed the self, or ego. uses ego defense mechanisms, which are methods of … Read more

Weber & Rinne Test results Interpretation and Clinical Conclusion

Weber & Rinne Test results Interpretation and Clinical Conclusion

Weber & Rinne Test results Interpretation and Clinical Conclusion: Weber & Rinne Test results Interpretation and Clinical Conclusion based on both. The Ear Anatomy and Physiology. The ear has three compartments: the external ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The External Ear. The external ear comprises the auricle and ear canal. The auricle … Read more

Advantages Of Using Epidemiology In CHN Practice

Epidemiology and Community Health Nursing

Advantages Of Using Epidemiology In CHN Practice: Association between CHN and epidemiology and outcomes or advantages of this relation. Epidemiology and Community Health Nursing Epidemiology brings community health nursing a dynamic and exciting perspective. The process of epidemiology adds methods of hypothesizing a new problem-solving technique to the nursing process for practice in the community. … Read more

Health Education In Community Health

Community Health Education in Nursing

Health Education In Community Health: Community health education in a community setup carried out under some principals to attain pre-settled aim preset objectives. What Is Health Education The Health education is an essential tool of community health. Health education is a vital part of community health nursing, because the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health … Read more

Retaining Staff and Reducing Turnover

Health Care Staff Turnover

Retaining Staff and Reducing Turnover: Staff retaining and Reducing Turnover is a managerial skill for staff retention. Reducing turnover Reducing turnover and retaining staff begins with recruitment and selection. Additionally, the overall shortage of nurses is expected to worsen (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2007; Joint Commission, 2007). An aging workforce coupled with an … Read more

The Nurses as Change Agent

Nurse and Change in Healthcare

The Nurses as change agent use Power-coercive strategies, Empirical Rational Model and Nurse’s Role Initiate the Change. How Nurse Bring Change A change agent is one who works to bring about a change. Being a change agent, however, is not easy. Although the end result of change may benefit nurses and patients alike, initially it requires … Read more

Patient View about Disease or Illness

Patient Knowledge About Diabetes

Patient View about Disease Patient Knowledge About Diabetes Patient View about Disease or Illness: Patient’s response to illness described by nursing philosophical approach by self-efficacy, hardiness, resilience , spirituality and religion. Common Concept About Disease Patient View about Disease or Illness: The nursing theoretical approach describes the person or individual as a biopsychic social being who … Read more

Teaching Styles in Health Care and Nursing Education

Styles and Strategies in Nursing Education

Teaching Styles in Health Care: Styles and Strategies Teaching Styles in Health Care and Nursing Education: Teaching Styles in Health Care and Nursing Education define what kind of teacher are you. Baby Boomers , Sensory Learning and Veterans. Evaluate Your Teaching Style Teaching Styles in Health Care and Nursing Education: An important basis for creative teaching … Read more

Innovations in Education, Nursing Education and Health Education

Nursing Education and New Educational Idea by Nursing Theorists Innovation in education, nursing education and health care beautify learning but in sufficient time, resources and cultural values are some barriers as hurdle to these innovations. What is an innovation? To clearly study creative teaching strategies, we need to define innovation and its relationship to teaching. Schell1 defines innovation as the use of non-traditional methods in learning situations. Essentially, an innovation is any educational strategy that is not normally performed by the instructor or previously observed by a class. Nowhere does this definition mention the extent or degree of creativity. Therefore, innovation does not have to be great; any deviation, large or small, from habit counts as an innovation. Anything you've never done before or don't normally do can fall into this category. It is important to remember that any strategy that is new to students is considered an innovation, even if it is not new to you. Finally, the innovation lies not only in the teaching strategy, but also in the method used by the individual nursing educator to present it. Schell1 believes that innovative methods meet the needs of today's nurses and nursing students. New methods can and should be used to improve nursing learning and educate nursing students. Innovative strategies provide a foundation on which to design instructional activities, assignments, content approaches, new teaching methods for previously taught material, and assessment methods. New nursing educators may find these creative methods helpful in developing their own teaching style. Instructors who have taught for several years, or have taught the same material multiple times, may appreciate the need for new, creative, and focused strategies. How Do Innovative Strategies Improve Learning? Enjoyment and inspiration According to Tanner, nursing educators need to evaluate and potentially change the way they teach. Student populations have become more diverse, and public expectations and health care needs have changed. Many nursing educators teach the way they learned to teach. For some of us this is a new experience, for others a more distant story. Significantly, we remember the learning experiences that we find most impact. We preserve the information that has been submitted in a unique, innovative, and fun way. Perhaps most importantly, we choose to teach because we believe that these positive and negative learning experiences, the information gathered during our practice, and the desire to 'pass it on' are key to the teaching-learning process. Differences in learning styles warrant new and different ways of interacting with students and fostering learning. Many nurses practice their trade year after year. There is a saying: "Anyone can face a crisis: it is daily life that wears you down." Teaching a crowd of enthusiastic students once can require a different level of creativity and innovation than a routine class session or a class where less is taught. popular stuff. In more routine situations, creative teaching strategies are worth their value. Innovations flowing into current teaching methods can create distractions and reinforce content that might otherwise be forgotten. Today's students not only differ from those of previous generations, but also their expectations of the learning experience. Today's students are consumers who demand a lot from teachers, sometimes challenging even the most skilled and experienced teachers. By increasing the joy of learning, creative teaching strategies can inspire students to engage in class, prepare for class, and stay sharp throughout the session. There Are No Conferences Here She wrote this book with the belief that the traditional method of teaching, the lecture, is effective, efficient and meets the needs of most students. Oermann3 notes that lecturing saves time, especially in larger classes, and that most nursing educators are familiar with this technique. Lectures as a teaching method has recently come under a lot of criticism. Many now see it as passive, traditionalist and less in tune with the needs of today's students. Woodring comments that the nursing education literature has become a 'lecture crisis'. This book is not a "meeting hit". Instead, he recommends combining creative strategies with proven reading practices to improve active learning and retention. Educators who embrace new teaching methods often face the challenge of "throwing the baby out with the bathwater." Teachers are made aware of the great harm traditional forms of teaching are doing and urged to fundamentally change their methods. Nursing educators today probably do not have time to review teaching methods or update previously taught materials to a new teaching method. The strategies discussed in this book are presented as a brief, purposeful innovations designed to complement and reinforce the reading material. Attention spans have changed, students are more stressed, and teaching now uses a variety of media. We should consider innovative methods that disrupt the traditional content but still allow us to cover the material and achieve the goals of the class. Essentially, the reading method presents information effectively; Creative strategies provide distractions that reinforce key material or areas of focus. These strategies are based on the belief that students are more likely to remember content that is presented in a fun and creative learning environment. You can use innovative teaching methods to emphasize the most important points of a lesson. This method helps focus content and allows students to organize and prioritize information. Setting priorities is always a challenge in nursing education and practice. Using an innovative strategy of highlighting selected content helps students focus on important information. Another challenge of teaching in nursing school can be summed up in the statement: “We keep adding content to nursing education and don't take anything away, we just talk faster”. This sentence reflects our need to distinguish "need to know" from "nice to know". A creative teaching strategy can put the "need to know" label where it belongs. What Are the Barriers To Innovative Teaching? We have now discussed all the reasons for adopting creative teaching strategies. It's time to address some of the obstacles teachers face when trying to weave creative strategies into their material. Quickly identifies barriers to innovative teaching such as perceived self-esteem, social support and authority, tradition, physical environment, prior educational experiences, time, and communication skills. Never Enough Time Years of teaching and presenting this material to nursing educators have reduced the barriers to a few categories. The most perceived barrier is time. It takes time to prepare a strategy: the trainer must relate it to the lesson material, assemble the equipment and practice a smooth transition so that the strategy fits naturally into the lesson. Also, class time can be limited, and creative strategies leave less time for traditional methods. Nursing educators feel the need to deal with content. We all think, "If I don't say it, they won't learn it and it will be my fault." Instead, we need to think about how we can use valuable class time to clarify concepts, reinforce more difficult items, and use other learning methods to synthesize. Such methods may include assignments, readings, and hands-on experience. By changing the way, we think about classroom goals, we can better integrate creative strategies despite limited time. She says "perceived barrier" because these strategies don't take as long as you might think. Each strategy takes time to think about, plan and prepare, but once developed it can be adapted to different classroom contexts. Fuel for Teaching, we discuss sources of material for developing a toolbox of adaptive creative strategies. We should also borrow strategies from other successful nursing educators and share effective methods with other teachers. Take Risks Another more subtle obstacle is self-confidence. Creative teaching strategies involve some risk. Trainers may need to step out of their usual role or perhaps present a different image than usual. Some strategies may "crash and burn," not meeting the needs of students, not working well with a particular group, or failing in other ways. Don't worry, you can customize creative strategies to fit your specific teaching style and comfort level. You may need to push yourself beyond your usual teaching techniques, but you should never feel awkward or uncomfortable. A good rule of thumb is that if you feel uncomfortable, the students will be too, which defeats the value of the teaching strategy. You need to prepare ahead of time and be familiar with your strategy; it should flow smoothly, fit well with the objectives of the class, and not interrupt learning. An important point: you, as the trainer, must understand the material and be comfortable with it. You will need clinical experience with the content, familiarity with your lecture material, and a clear idea of your learning and teaching objectives for the session. When teaching a topic for the first time, use just one or two creative strategies to earn points; a little moderation will ensure that you get the content across. As you begin to cover the same material repeatedly or in greater depth, you can become more creative with your strategies and feel more confident that the information is getting across. It is particularly important to remember that in today's classroom environment, teachers are often required to teach multiple subjects, may be taught outside of their own capacity or area of expertise, and are given the opportunity to teach repeatedly. Culture versus Creativity The last obstacle may be the teaching culture of the institution. A school or service agency with a traditional culture may not accept new or innovative strategies. The administration may adhere to certain teaching habits or simply fail to see the value of creativity in the classroom. Individual teachers may need to address this issue and teach in whatever way they think will best serve students. Teaching cultures are clearly changing. By developing individual teaching styles, educators can help institutions embrace innovation. We could continue brainstorming for more obstacles, but let's focus on the reasons why you can and should use innovation in your teaching.

Nursing Education and Health Education: New Educational Ideas By Nursing Theorists Innovations in Education , Health Education and Nursing Education: Innovation in education, nursing education and health care beautify the learning but in sufficient time , resources and cultural values are some barriers as hurdle to these innovations. What is an innovation? To clearly study … Read more

Who Becomes A Nursing Leader And How?

Nurses Who Are Leader

Nursing Leader Who Becomes A Nursing Leader And How?: How become a leader in health care and in nursing is simple if someone have sort of characteristics to full fill the criteria such as employee satisfaction, accomplishment of target and use of capitals. Leadership In Nursing Who Becomes A Nursing Leader And How?: People who become care … Read more