Enzymes Note M.N. Chatterjea For Nurses

Enzymes Note M.N. Chatterjea Enzymes play a crucial role in biochemical reactions, acting as catalysts to accelerate reactions necessary for life. Understanding the mechanisms of enzyme action, their classification, and the factors that influence their activity is essential for both biochemistry and medicine.

Models of Enzyme-Substrate Complex Formation

1. Template or Lock-and-Key Model

The lock-and-key model, proposed by Emil Fischer in 1894, suggests that the active site of the enzyme is rigid and specifically shaped to fit a particular substrate. In this model, the enzyme (the “lock”) and the substrate (the “key”) must match perfectly for the reaction to occur. This model emphasizes the specificity of enzymes for their substrates, implying that only substrates with the correct shape can bind to the active site and undergo a reaction.


  • It provides a straightforward explanation for enzyme specificity.
  • It highlights the importance of structural complementarity between enzymes and substrates.


  • It does not account for the dynamic nature of enzymes and the possible conformational changes that may occur upon substrate binding.

2. Induced-Fit or Koshland Model

Introduced by Daniel Koshland in 1963, the induced-fit model proposes that the active site of an enzyme is flexible and can change shape upon substrate binding. When the substrate approaches the enzyme, it induces a conformational change in the enzyme, allowing for a better fit. This model acknowledges that the binding of the substrate can alter the enzyme’s shape, facilitating the catalytic process.


  • It accounts for the flexibility and adaptability of enzymes.
  • It explains how enzymes can stabilize transition states, lowering the activation energy required for the reaction.


  • While it provides a more comprehensive understanding of enzyme action, the exact nature of conformational changes remains a complex area of study.

Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

Enzyme activity is influenced by several factors, each of which can significantly impact the rate of enzymatic reactions.

1. Temperature

Temperature plays a vital role in enzyme kinetics. Enzymes generally have an optimal temperature at which they exhibit maximum activity.

  • Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity:
    • As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of molecules increases, leading to more frequent collisions between enzymes and substrates. This generally increases the rate of reaction.
    • However, if the temperature rises too high, enzymes can denature, losing their functional shape and leading to decreased activity.

The relationship between temperature and enzyme activity often follows a bell-shaped curve, with activity peaking at the enzyme’s optimal temperature, typically around 35-40°C for human enzymes.

2. pH

Like temperature, each enzyme has an optimal pH range where its activity is maximized. Deviations from this range can lead to decreased activity or denaturation.

  • Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity:
    • Enzymes have specific ionizable groups that can gain or lose protons depending on the pH, affecting their charge and overall structure.
    • For example, pepsin, which operates in the acidic environment of the stomach, has an optimal pH around 2, while alkaline phosphatase works best at a more neutral pH of about 9.

3. Enzyme Concentration

The concentration of enzymes directly affects the rate of reaction, particularly when the substrate concentration is abundant.

  • Effect of Enzyme Concentration on Reaction Rate:
    • As the enzyme concentration increases, the reaction rate increases proportionally until the substrate becomes the limiting factor.
    • Beyond this point, increasing enzyme concentration further will not increase the reaction rate.

4. Substrate Concentration

The relationship between substrate concentration and enzyme activity can be described by the Michaelis-Menten kinetics.

  • Effect of Substrate Concentration:
    • Initially, as substrate concentration increases, the reaction rate increases linearly.
    • At a certain point, all active sites of the enzyme are occupied (saturation), and the reaction reaches Vmax, where it can no longer increase with additional substrate.

5. Product Concentration

Accumulation of products can inhibit enzyme activity by occupying active sites or altering the equilibrium of the reaction.

  • Effect of Product Concentration:
    • High levels of products may lead to feedback inhibition, where the product itself inhibits the enzyme, preventing further reaction.

6. Presence of Activators and Inhibitors

Enzyme activity can also be modulated by the presence of other molecules.

  • Activators: These are substances that increase enzyme activity, often by facilitating the binding of the substrate or altering the enzyme’s conformation to a more active form.
  • Inhibitors: These molecules decrease enzyme activity and can be classified into:
    • Competitive Inhibitors: Compete with the substrate for the active site, reducing the enzyme’s ability to bind to the substrate.
    • Non-competitive Inhibitors: Bind to an enzyme at a site other than the active site, reducing its activity regardless of substrate concentration.

7. Time

The duration of exposure to substrates and conditions can influence enzyme activity. Prolonged exposure to suboptimal conditions may lead to enzyme degradation or loss of activity.

Enzyme Inhibition and Effect on Reaction Kinetics

Competitive Inhibition

In competitive inhibition, the inhibitor resembles the substrate and competes for binding to the active site of the enzyme.

  • Kinetics of Competitive Inhibition:
    • Vmax remains unchanged because, at high substrate concentrations, the effects of the inhibitor can be overcome.
    • Km increases, indicating that a higher substrate concentration is required to achieve half of Vmax.

Example: The enzyme lactate dehydrogenase can be inhibited by oxamate, which competes with lactate for the active site.

Non-Competitive Inhibition

In non-competitive inhibition, the inhibitor binds to the enzyme regardless of whether the substrate is bound, reducing the overall number of active enzyme molecules.

  • Kinetics of Non-Competitive Inhibition:
    • Vmax decreases, as the maximum rate of reaction is limited by the total amount of active enzyme.
    • Km remains unchanged, indicating that substrate binding affinity is not affected.

Allosteric Inhibition

Allosteric inhibitors bind to sites other than the active site and induce conformational changes that reduce enzyme activity. This type of regulation is crucial for maintaining metabolic homeostasis.

Summary of Inhibition Types

Type Effect on Vmax Effect on Km
Competitive Inhibition Unchanged Increased
Non-Competitive Inhibition Decreased Unchanged
Allosteric Inhibition Decreased Can be either increased or decreased


Enzymes are vital for catalyzing biochemical reactions in living organisms, and their activity is influenced by various factors, including temperature, pH, and substrate concentration. Understanding enzyme action models, such as the lock-and-key and induced-fit models, provides insight into how enzymes function at a molecular level.

Furthermore, the mechanisms of enzyme inhibition, both competitive and non-competitive, play crucial roles in regulating metabolic pathways and are important in therapeutic applications. Continued research in enzymology will further elucidate the complexities of enzyme action and lead to advancements in medical and industrial biotechnology.

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