Terminologies in Peri Anesthesia Care

Terminologies in Peri Anesthesia

Terminologies in Peri Anesthesia Care: Basic terminologies include Advocacy, Confidentiality, Consent, Indemnity, Defamation, Defendant, Testimony and Jurisdiction.

Anesthesia Care and Terms Used

Terminologies in Peri Anesthesia Care: Living Will – A written document, sometimes called a living will, recognized by state law. That provides instructions for the care of a person if that person is unable to make decisions about treatment options.

Advocacy: Acting on behalf of the patient in an effort to protect that person’s right to make their own decisions.

Terminologies in Peri Anesthesia Care: Confidentiality: A special relationship that exists between the patient. And the Para esthetic nurse in which the information discussed is not disclosed to any third party not directly involved in the care of the patient. Disclosure of confidential information exposes the paresthesia nurse to liability for breach of patient privacy and breach of confidentiality due to malpractice.

Consent: A voluntary act on the part of the patient to provide someone with some type of care.

Terminologies in Peri Anesthesia Care: Indemnity: Considered the amount of money awarded by a court or jury in compensation for a wrong. Compensation can be divided into general damages, awarded for non-pecuniary wrongs such as pain and suffering, disfigurement, impairment of normal enjoyment of life. And loss of partnership (marital services) related to the injury itself; special damages that are out-of-pocket expenses of the patient, e.g. B. medical care, lost wages. And rehabilitation costs; and punitive damages, damages sought as punishment for those whose conduct went beyond normal misconduct.


Refers to damaging someone’s reputation. When the harmful information is written, the slander is called slander; when it is spoken it is called calumny.

Defendant: A person accused of misconduct; In a medical malpractice lawsuit, the defendant may be a para-anesthesia nurse. Defensive Records: Extensive documentation that is accurate and factual in the medical record.

Testimony: Extrajudicial oral testimony under oath before a court clerk. The repository may include experts, fact witnesses, defendants, or plaintiffs, and may be used to challenge (find inconsistencies or falsehoods) witness testimony in legal proceedings.

Ethics: The distinction between right and wrong is based on knowledge, not just opinion. Expert: a person with specific knowledge, skills and experience in a specific field, e.g. B. In the care of paraesthatic , to which the last question testifies, p. B.: What was the duty or was the duty violated? Did the rape result in an injury? What could the defendant have done to prevent the harm? Is there misconduct?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

This law was enacted to protect privacy rights and describes how personal health information (PHI) may be used. And how a patient can access that information.

Disabled Nurse

A nurse who is unable to work effectively due to substance abuse, including alcohol, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs.

Informed consent

Consent given by the patient (or the patient’s legal representative) to a particular care service. The consent form is a legal document. Informed consent may be waived for urgent medical or surgical procedures, provided that institutional policy so establishes. The types of consent are regulatory consent, blood transfusion consent, surgical consent, research consent. And special consent, e.g. B. for the use of fixations, client photos, organ donation or autopsies.

Intentional tort

Consequences of acts that are reasonably foreseeable, cause breach of duty, or cause injury. In this case an expert is not required to present a case. Actions are closely related to criminal actions in that they imply intent to do something bad. Types of intentional torts include assault and assault, false imprisonment and defamation. Interrogation: The process of ascertaining facts related to a case through a series of written questions exchanged by the attorneys representing the parties to the case.

Jurisdiction: The power of the court to accept or decide cases, which may depend on the place or subject matter of the case.

Law: As service providers, employees of institutions and private individuals, peranesthesia nurses are subject to civil and criminal law. The types of laws are shown in Table 7-2.

Adhesion: The adhesion test is described in Box 7-3.

Negligence: It was determined whether the paraesthesia caregiver had a duty to the client and failed to perform that duty and the client was injured because the caregiver failed to perform the duty. The elements of negligence apply to the finding of wrongdoing, and an expert witness is typically called upon to establish the standard of care and to prove that the breach resulted in an injury.

Minor: A patient who is a minor (typically 18 years of age) as defined by state law and is unable to provide legal consent; Consent must be obtained from a parent or legal guardian.

Negligence: Failure to exercise care which a reasonable person would normally exercise in similar circumstances. The elements that must be demonstrated in order to prove negligence are: (1) established arm relationship.

(2) professional duty; Y

(3) a breach of this duty that results in a breach.

Nursing Act

A set of statutes enacted by each state legislature to regulate the practice of nursing. Essentially, the statutes define the scope of nursing practice and distinguish between nursing practice and medical practice; Every professional nurse should read and understand the provisions of the Nursing Practice Act in the state or province where the nurse is working. Patient Rights: A customer rights document reflecting the acknowledgment of the customer’s right to participate in their own healthcare, with a focus on patient autonomy and various laws and regulations relating to customer rights. A description of patients’ rights during hospitalization.

Plaintiff: The person filing the lawsuit seeking damages for alleged wrongdoing; usually the patient or the patient’s family. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc: “After this, therefore because of”. The injury theory was circumvented when the injury occurred and that only suggests that what was reasonable and prudent was not done.

Resipsa loquitur

“The matter speaks for itself.” This can be asserted in a medical malpractice case if the case meets the following four criteria or tests:

(1) the breach shall be deemed to have occurred only when reasonable care, skill, or skill was not exercised.

(2) the harmful acts are under the exclusive control of the physician;

(3) the patient is not contributing to the injury; Y

(4) The causes of the injury are attributable to the caregiver and not the patient. Allows post hoc reasoning. Standard of care: standards based on different types of evidence of what is reasonable and prudent behavior for a perinatal nurse (health professional). These standards are generally set by state or provincial nursing practice laws.

Statute: Documented rules for living in a state (state law) or in the United States (federal law) passed by state legislatures and Congress.

Short: A civil (not criminal) wrong, other than a breach of contract, in which the law allows an injured person to recover damages from the person who caused the injury.

Read More: https://nurseseducator.com/purposes-of-peri-anesthesia-care-unit/

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