Problem Solving in Health Practices

Problem Solving in Health Practices: Method and Steps

Problem Solving in Health Practices: Problem Solving process include identification of problem, Analysis of problem, gather information, categorizing information, develop solution.

The Problem-Solving Process

Many grooming problems require immediate action. Nurses do not have time for formal research and analysis processes dictated by the scientific method. Therefore, learn an organized method of solving problems.

Reject the problem to Gather information,

1 Analyze the information.

Develop solutions.

Make a decision and execute the decision. Rate solution as is invaluable. A helpful approach to troubleshooting is to follow this seven-step process, which defines the problem The definition of a problem should be a descriptive statement of the state of achievement, not a judgment or conclusion. If one begins the problem with a judgment, the solution may also be a judgment, and critical descriptive elements may overlap.

Suppose a nursing supervisor reluctantly implements a self-scheduling process and discovers that every time the roster is released, night shifts and some weekend shifts are not adequately covered. The manager can identify the problem in the immaturity of the employees and their inability to exercise democratic leadership. The causes may be a lack of interest in group decision-making, minimal concern for providing adequate patient care, perhaps more specifically, a lack of understanding of the process by some caregivers. If the nursing manager defines the above problem as immaturity and proceeds to create the lists without further investigation, the problem could become a full-fledged problem.


Premature interpretation can affect the ability to treat the facts objectively. For example, are there other explanations for the apparent behavior that don’t involve negative assumptions or scream staff maturity? Premature interpretations can be avoided by thoughtful questions Schmieding (1999) describes four characteristic linkages of reflective inquiry: Objective data is checked against one’s own thoughts and feelings.

Past experience and knowledge can be used to assess the situation. Ideas about the problem are validated or rejected based on empirical evidence through a serial rather than a linear process. The facts and ideas generated are verified by specific investigations.

An accurate assessment of the scope of the problem also determines whether the manager needs to look for a permanent solution or just a stopgap solution. Is it just a situational problem that only requires intervention with a simple explanation, or is it more complex and affects the leadership style of the leader? The manager must define and classify problems in order to take action. When defining a problem, determine the area it covers and ask yourself if I have the authority to do something about it. Do I have all the information? Time ? Who else has important information and contributes to it? What benefits can be expected? A list of potential benefits provides the basis for comparing and selecting solutions. The list also serves as a means of evaluating the solution.

2. Gather information.

Troubleshooting begins with data collection. This collection of information initiates a search for additional facts that provide clues to the scope and resolution of the problem. This step encourages people to report the facts accurately. All those involved can provide information. While this doesn’t always provide factual information, it reduces misinformation and gives everyone a chance to say what they think is wrong about a situation.

Experience is another source of information, your own experience and the experience of other nurses and staff. Everyone involved usually has ideas about what to do about a problem, and many of those ideas provide good information and valuable inspiration. However, the information collected may never be complete. Some data is useless, some inaccurate, but some is useful for generating innovative ideas worth pursuing.

3. Analyze the information.

Do not analyze the information until it has been organized into a pre-existing arrangement as follows: Categorize information based on its reliability. List the information from most important to least important.

Put the information in chronological order. What happened first? Next? What was before what? What were the circumstances? Examine cause and effect information. Does A cause B or vice versa? classify report divided into categories: human factors such as personality, maturity, education, age, relationships between people and issues outside the organization; technical factors such as B. Nursing skills or the nature of the ward; temporal factors such as length of service, time, type of shift and double shifts; and political factors such as organizational procedures or rules applicable to the problem, legal issues, and ethical issues.

Consider how long the situation has lasted. Because no amount of information is complete or exhaustive enough, critical thinking skills are important to a manager’s ability to examine assumptions, evidence, and potential value conflicts.

4. Develop solutions.

When an individual or group analyzes the information, numerous possible solutions are suggested. Don’t just think about simple solutions, as that can stifle creative thinking and lead to an over-focus on details. The development of alternative solutions makes it possible to combine the best parts of different solutions into a superior one. In addition, alternatives are valuable if first-order solutions prove impracticable.

When exploring different solutions, you should be uncritical of how the problem has been handled in the past. Some problems have a long history when they reach you, and attempts to solve them may have been made over a long period of time. “We’ve tried this before and it didn’t work” is often said and may or may not apply in a different situation. Past experiences may not always provide an answer, but they can aid in the critical thinking process and help prepare for future problem solving.

5. Make a decision.

After reviewing the list of possible solutions, select the one that is most appropriate, workable, satisfactory, and has the fewest unwanted consequences. You need to put some solutions. come into force quickly; For example, disciplinary issues or patient safety compromises require immediate intervention. You must have the authority to act in an emergency and be aware of the penalties imposed for various violations.

If the problem is technical and your solution involves changing the way you work (or using new equipment), expect resistance. Changes that threaten personal safety or the status of individuals are particularly difficult. In these cases, the change process must be started before the solutions are implemented. If the solution involves a change, the leader should fully involve those affected, if possible, or at least educate them about the process.

6. Implementation of the decision.

Implement the decision after choosing the best course of action. If new unforeseen issues arise after deployment, assess these obstacles. However, be careful not to give up a workable solution just because some people object; a minority always will. If the above troubleshooting steps have been followed, the solution has been thought through carefully, and potential issues have been addressed, the deployment should proceed.

7. Rate the solution.

After implementing the solution, review the plan put in place and compare actual results and benefits to those of the ideal solution. People tend to fall back into old habitual patterns of just talking about change and doing the same old behavior. Will the solution be implemented? If so, are the results better or worse than expected? If they’re better, what? Did the changes contribute to your success? How can we ensure that the solution is still used and working? This regular review gives you valuable information and lessons learned that you could use in other situations and keeps the troubleshooting process on track.

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