Nursing Education and This &That Column Matching and Current Case & Event Strategy
When You Think of This, Think of That Strategy In Nursing Education
This strategy is a matching exercise used to rein force classroom material. The information is set up in two columns, and students are asked to match interns. It’s important to have several correct matches, that way the students have to think rather than simply eliminate choices.
Some items will have only one march, but others will have several example, the only match for thematic heart disease is the sequela of an untreated streptococcal infection.
You’ll need to set up your two-column list and decide the best way to present it. It can be made into a handout. pure on an overhead or PowerPoint died, or written on the blackboard. You can also use it as a format for Quickie Quizzes or Quizzes that Count.
In a pediatric respiration class I used a PowerPoint slide that the students could enlarge and use as a study aid. In class we discussed all the diagnoses in the right column and several items in the left column.
We covered important concepts by focusing on the differences between gradual and sudden onset conditions. The strategy reinforced the importance of knowing the differences, and the students were able to practice the concepts in a matching exercise.
Implementation of Strategy In Nursing Education
Use When You Think of This for any subject matter in which students are asked to memorize or learn complex symptomatology or pathophysiology. This strategy can be adapted for Quickie Quizzes and Quizzes that Count
You can use the strategy in a game format: keep score, promote healthy competition, and give out prizes. Encourage students to silently review lists used in When You Think of This. Then you can solicit answers. This tactic actively involves the students rather than letting them wait passively for answers without doing any work.
Current Events Strategy In Nursing Education
In this strategy, current world events provide a springboard for class disunion or reinforce important concepts. Using a Current Event from the newspaper or television news can inspire up- to-date application of nursing knowledge.
Students who are deeply embedded in schoolwork, or nurses who juggle several priorities, may be insulated from the going on of the world. However, nursing is a profession with a strong social conscience. This strategy introduces current affairs to the classroom and highlights the extent to which Nanning can influence world situations.
Staying informed about current events is the only preparation needed for this strategy. Depending on the clam objectives, Current Events may present themselves as major topics for discussion. Other news events may need to be researched by you or the students.
The following case summarizes a widely publicized event in which a family relinquished case of their dis abled son. They pleaded stress and lack of respite resources. I used thin case to discuss the stress of chronic illness on the family and their need for support to alleviate the constant demands of their son’s condition.
Current Case Strategy In Nursing Education
All current events should be presented at they were reported in the news, without editorial comment. If news is local, “insider” information should not be included. On the other hand, any news printed in a paper or aired on television is comedized public record and appropriate for classroom discussion.
I’ve also used Current Events so update pharmacological information and present medical advanced. Often the lay liter runt portrays a medical advance as a “breakthrough” and claims that it “abolishes” a condition. If in fact the story is based on a single research study or discovery, spirited class room discussion may ensue.
Such examples reinforce the need for a sound knowledge has before changes can be made in practice. What a great opportunity to teach this important principle of evidence-based practice
Implementation of Current Case and Event Strategy In Nursing Education
Students can be asked to provide the current event as part of a Quick Write, E-mail Exercise, or Admit Ticket.
Most students remember the use of Current Events and will transfer their importance to higher education and the working world.
Local health related events ago may be important in the clan. Agency newsletters, community papers, or other resources may be used to access information.
Students can use newspaper-related search engines (e.g. Lex Nexus) to conduct Current Event searches of subscribed work.
Bring In the Reinforcements and In class Applications
General Description This strategy marquises a pause in your watching so you can reinforce or apply concepts while they’re being discerned. It’s easy to gloss over material quickly without making sure the students understand it.
Bring In the Reinforcements lets you use short class exercises to reinforce clam material in a few moments. In-class Applications allows students to apply information quickly after hearing it. Both strategies increase the likelihood of learning and retention.
Preparation and Equipment Develop the exercises after preparing your class material. These exercises should be short and to the point so the rodents can get immediate feedback about how well they’ve understood the concepts
Example of the Strategy on Work One way to Bring In the Reinforcements in class is to define terms and then ask students to identify examples. I use this tactic when discussing types of change planned, developmental, covert, and so on. Then I show a slide listing selected examples of change.
Students identify the types of change each example signifies, immediately reinforcing what they’ve just learned. The concept that more than one type of change may be applicable to life events is difficult and better explained with a concrete example.
An example of Bring in the Reinforcements comes from a continuing education program on assertiveness. Students were given a conflict common in their personal unit or job situation.
They were asked to construct various responses: assertive, passive, aggressive, and passive-aggressive. Much as in Invented Dialogues, students not only practiced their constructed responses, but also compared the outcomes of each one in the given situation.
An example of In-class Applications is the use of mini-cases to apply concepts learned in class to “real-life” situations. One class focused on health and different individuals’ reactions to illness. We discussed emotional dimensions, locus of control, external factors, and motivation.
A brief case study revealed the stark differences between two clients’ reactions to a heart attack. These cases illustrate the differences in clients’ responses much better than a simple description would. Another way to use In-class Applications is to develop a short illustrative scenario and ask students to identify different features.
I have used this method in teaching leadership styles. We dissonance-faire, acratic, charismatic, and democratic styles. Then I lay the groundwork for the exercise.